Chapter- 21 venting out

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Author's POV

"Who is she?" She asked, and her voice came as a mere whisper.

"My mom", he replied and she was too stunned to speak.

After taking a good 5 minutes to digest what she heard, she asked him, "isn't maa your mom?"

"No, she is my stepmother. My biological mother died when I was 12 and you seem just like her, not features but heart. She also thinks just like you. When you first gave the lecture to Arjun about food on our second meeting, I felt her in you. You kiss me on my forehead every morning and she also used to kiss me like that. You cook like her and feed me like she used to feed me," He exclaimed.

Even in that sad situation, she was relieved to hear that. As most men want a wife who cares for them like their mother and most women want a husband who treats them like their father. We tend to see our parents of the opposite gender in our partners most of the time. So she doesn't have any problem if he compares her with his mom, who was dead.

"Your father doesn't like your mother?" She questioned.

"Not like that. They loved each other dearly. We grew up watching their PDA, but a mistake from him caused my mom's death," he replied.

"Karthik, every coin has two sides. You are only thinking from your side, just think about from his side, too."

"You said he loved her. Then how can anyone purposely do any mistake which costs their love life? If I am correct, he is also feeling guilty, then your hate makes him more vulnerable."

"Just confront him and sort it out. Vent out all your emotions, then only you can live peacefully. Don't hide all your emotions in that small heart of yours. It will explode," she said, pointing at his heart.

"One more thing, Karthik. Work on things when it is still in our hands. If we lose once, then the only thing we can do is regret. I don't want you to regret anything and mourn over the past."

That made him think. She also stopped talking, giving him time to think. After thinking for a while, he made his decision by taking her suggestion. He hugged Megha and kissed her forehead before stomping out of the room.

"Where is dad?" he asked one of the servants as he walked out.

"In his study, sir," she replied respectfully. He nodded and went to the study.

"Dad," he called as he entered the study.

His dad is standing at the window, looking outside, lost in his thoughts. He was surprised as Karthik came to him on his own as he only talks with him when he needs something.

He respects his father, no doubt, but love is another topic.

"Dad. I want to talk to you. Are you free?" he asked.

"Yeah, have a seat son," his dad replied, and they both settled on the couch.

"Dad, today I want to talk my heart out and please listen to me and answer my questions," he said nonchalantly and his father nodded.

"First of all, why did you ask me to go to the meeting on my very important day? You also know that I won't meet anyone that day. Then why?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I know very well that day is your mom's death anniversary and you don't meet anyone, but I wanted to make sure that you don't think much and mourn over the past."

"I know you will not talk to anyone and shut yourself in the room, but I don't want you to shut yourself not in front of Megha at least. You will hurt her if she talks more that day, so I wanted to make sure of her safety too," his father replied.

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