Bonus chapter

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Day after tomorrow was her 20th death anniversary.

Her not being here , with me , is like a wound that heals just to reopen again.

Raghav was on the way to his home right now.
Everything was bittersweet. 
The house , the garden , the river , the memories. Sometimes it was too much pain that he couldn't bear it.

They say that the happy memories hurt more than the sad ones and it's so true.

Raghav would do anything to free himself from this suffering but he can't. It means letting go of her. And how can he ever let go of his Gayathri?


"I have some good news for you. Rehan is also married now. Her name is Arya. She is a really sweet girl. She is a really famous cardiologist. You would have loved her.
Everyone was so happy that day. But it would have been so much better with you in it.
And you know, Dhwani made  gajar ka halwa last week and it tasted just like the ones you made.
I swear I could have cried. You would have been so proud.
I miss you so much Gauri. I hate destiny for taking you away from me but I am more grateful to it for bringing us together.
I long to be with you.
Everyday I dream of being with you.
I love you Gayathri Singhania and I will till my last breath.

A breeze caressed him.

With a painful smile he went inside the house.
He could still hear her sound inside these walls.
He could still remember every memory as if they happened just yesterday.

He remembered feeding Veer and Dhruv in that dining table as she fed Rehan milk. We would make a mess and she would get really mad at us.

She used to call them angels. Our angels.

He entered their room to get nostalgic again.

Raghav always made sure to make this house clean. But he never let anyone change anything.

Suddenly his ring came off and fell on the floor. As he was bending down to pick it up , he saw something under their bed.
It was her chest.

She used to gaurd it with her life. He found it.

He opened it to find some old gifts from her college and school , the first rose he gave her and Her wedding dress. In the end of the chest lie her diary three boxes and three letters.

Raghav caressed the patent leather cover of the book. It was his present for her on their first anniversary.
He smiled recalling the memory.

Property of Gayathri Singhania
If you are reading this then you are trespassing on my privacy.
So I want you to put this book down and go do your own business.

He chuckled. Gauri and her quirkiness always went hand in hand.

There were journals about random days. He read through some of them with a calm smile and warm brown eyes filled with tears.

In the last few pages , the diary was written in the form of a letter. A letter to him.

To my dearest Raghu,

                        First of all don't go into your depressive episodes because of me. It will do nothing good to both of us. So what you should do is make sure our angels grow up to be angels in real life. Don't turn your back on them. I may be their mother but you , you are their hero. Never ever forget that. One things sure , I'll never forget Dhruv's first word was dada when I carried him for nine months. Betrayer
I'm derailing from my point aren't I?
The thing is I don't have much to say. I blame you for that. You know me too well that I feel like there is nothing more to talk or write in this case.

Love you and our angels.
Your Gauri.

I failed them Gauri. I wasn't by their side when they needed me the most.
I'm sorry.

He wiped his tears away and turned the page.

T̶o̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶p̶r̶i̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶r̶m̶i̶n̶g̶
To the king who reigns my heart.

                 Never forget the promise that you gave me. That you will visit our home once every year. I will wait for you too. And that one day , we can talk about everything I missed.
I feel like an idiot writing these. Take care of Veer. Make sure Rehan does not do something too mischievous. Don't get me started on Dhruv. Just like his father. The same stubbornness. The same attitude.
Aur har samay garv se kehte hai ki Singhania hu. Ham aise hi hai.
But he looks cute when he do it.
What I'm going to say next is really important. After my death , you can marry anyone you want except that witch. You know who I'm talking about. You can call me jealous but I'm never leaving my handsome husband to her. Sorry not sorry.
I know I will miss you but if you don't miss me I swear to god I'll come and haunt you.

Your Queen.

I laughed. I can never marry anyone else Gayathri. As you said you are already my queen.

I skipped to the last one.

Dear Mr Singhania,

                   I remembered that I will not be their for our sons' weddings and birthdays.  I get sad everytime I think about the important parts of their lives I'll miss. But you will there. For both of us. So Ii don't think that much about it.
So I wrote them all a letter for their eighteenth birthday. I also customised some jewelleries for my daughters.
When the time comes tell them their saas wanted them to have it as a symbol of my love.

Mrs Singhania

Voila ..

What do you guys think about Raghav and Gayathri?
This is the prologue of my book "Till death do us part". It's a prequel to this book. Do check it out.
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With love

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