Ch.4 || Kill The Wait

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Tatsumi glanced over at Atalanta, his surprise evident in his eyes as he processed her words. "What... how did they die?" he asked, his tone serious and filled with concern.

"I-I don't know... I just felt the connection get abruptly cut off," Atalanta replied, her frustration evident as she looked down and clenched her teeth. Tatsumi's expression grew even more serious, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"What are you going to do?" Tatsumi inquired, his voice filled with genuine curiosity. Atalanta let out a sigh before she began speaking,

"I have independent action, so I can survive a week without a master, but..." Her voice trailed off, and Tatsumi knew that fighting would significantly shorten that time.

But then, an idea sparked in Tatsumi's mind.

"May I ask what your wish is?" Tatsumi asked, his voice gentle as Atalanta settled down against a tree, her gaze fixed upon the moon.

"I have but one wish to ask of the Holy Grail. Bring happiness to all children... So they will never have to suffer and can experience love," she responded, her words filled with a sense of purpose. Tatsumi leaned against another tree, crossing his arms as he listened intently.

"I see. I could become your master until you find another," Tatsumi offered, surprising Atalanta with his selflessness. Tatsumi continued, "Thanks to me being a dragon, I have a lot of mana to the point I'm curious how my master is supplying me with it. So, I should be able to keep you fighting at full power." He explained, his curiosity about his master growing, as who in the world could supply him with enough man.

"What if only one servant can win the Grail War? What about your wish?" the red archer asked curiously. Tatsumi sighed. "You know how I said I don't know if the Grail could grant my wish? My wish is to be happy."

Atalanta's eyes widened, surprised by the simplicity of his wish. Tatsumi couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "Simple, I know. But if I make that wish, will I truly be happy, or will it just be an illusion of happiness? I've thought about going back in time or reviving my old comrades, but... I'm a dragon," he said sadly.

"Don't you think they'll accept you?" Atalanta asked, confusion evident in her voice. Tatsumi shook his head in response as he spoke.

"I've done things they'd say is unforgivable but that's not why... I'm a Dragon, and I possess the 'gift' of biological immortality," Tatsumi declared, causing her eyes to widen as he realized the implications of his words.

"You've figured it out, huh? Yeah, I could bring them back to life or even go back in time to ensure they survive. But when they eventually pass away and I'm left behind once again, it would be even worse because I would know what I'm missing... Not to mention the despair that engulfed me in that world," Tatsumi's words piqued Atlanta's curiosity.

"I've witnessed three different outcomes in my life. The first was dying at the end of the revolution, which ironically was one of the happier endings. The second was surviving the revolution alone, with no one by my side. And the third, the worst of them all, was when my first love and I survived, but I was forced to watch as she, my children, and even my grandchildren grew old and died, leaving me all alone," Tatsumi shared, his sorrow evident as Atlanta looked at him sympathetically.

Tatsumi continued, his voice filled with contemplation, "So, what happens when all your friends pass away, and there's no evidence of the bonds you shared or the sacrifices they made? How do you even begin to rebuild those connections when you know their entire lives will be nothing more than a fleeting moment in yours?" Tatsumi posed the question, causing Atlanta to gaze at him with sadness while he shook his head.

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