Chapter 3- Andrew

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Author's note: A bit of a short chapter

"Ella, you are going to do amazing." Katie reassures me, after I just told her everything that happened at figure skating practice the other day.

"Something just doesn't feel right though."

"You are doing your usual overthinking so as your best friend, it's my job to tell you to shut up." Katie demanded. I dont say anything in response.

"See you know I am right." Katie states.

"Ugh you're annoying." I reply with an eye roll.

"And you love me. Well I got to get to class." I internally groan as I realize I have math class in like two minutes.

As I'm walking to math class, I see Andrew Brooks in the opposite direction, eyeing me down. Before I know it, he is walking over to me.

"Hey. Ella right?" He asks. I can't help but blush a little bit. Andrew Brooks is very attractive. He has curly/wavy brown hair and greenish brownish eyes. I recognize him from being on Leo and Aaron's hockey team.

"Yeah. You're in my math class right?" I ask.

"Yep. Gosh I'm not looking forward to class today." He states with a sigh.

"I never do." I reply. I'm a little confused as to why Andrew is now just randomly talking to me. I think we spoke like once before.

As I walk into the class, my mood instantly drops. I hate math. Mostly because in math, there's only one right answer. I like questions when there's more than one answer to them. More than one perspective or way to look at it.

"All right. Today we will be doing some partner work. Choose a partner and work on numbers 10-23 together." My math teacher states as she looks down at her computer.

"Hey, wanna work together?" Andrew asks me as he comes to my desk.

"Sure." He then pulls up a chair next to me.

To my surprise, me and Andrew have been very productive. We have just one question left.

"So." Andrew says suddenly.

"So." I repeat.

"Tell me about yourself." He asks, leaning forward.

"What do you want to know?" I ask.

"I don't know.... Wait, you hangout with Leo Campbell and Aaron Kade right?"

"Yeah we're good friends." I answer.

"Love those guys. How'd you meet them?" He asks.

"We became friends in elementary school since our moms became close." I reply, finishing up the last problem as the bell rings.

"Lunch time, finally." Andrew beames.

"You bring a lunch to school?" He asks as he notices me grabbing my lunch bag out of my backpack. "Why don't you just eat the cafeteria food?"

"I have a traumatic experience with school cafeteria food." I explain, getting a shiver down my spine thinking back to fifth grade.

"Youre going to need to elaborate on that." Andrew says.

"Basically in fifth grade I opened my burger from the school cafeteria because I wanted to put ketchup on it. And when I opened it there was a literal spider inside. Mind you, I hate spiders."

"Well, I don't blame you for being traumatized."

When we get into the cafeteria, it seems even more packed than usual. I scan the tables and sure enough I see Leo and Aaron staring at me from across the room.

"Okay well, I'll see you." I say to Andrew as I head to the table my two best friends are sitting at.

"Hey guys." I greet as I sit down at the table.

"Since when have you been friends with Andrew Williams?" Aaron states in a sarcastic tone. What the hell is up with him?

"Uh I don't know he's in my math class and he's actually really nice." I reply.

"He's on our hockey team." Leo adds in.

"I know we were actually talking about that." I reply.

"Anyways, about that party tonight.." Aaron begins. "Me and Leo, will you pick you up at 9 alright?"

"Party?" I ask, confused.

"Oh yeah there's a party tonight. I forgot to tell her about it." Leo says. "You in?"

"Hell yeah." I reply. I haven't even thought about what I'm going to wear to this party. I guess I could do a dress or something. I'll have to ask Katie if she wants to get ready with me. I'm sure she's already planning on going.

"Hey Katie." I say to her as we walk into english class next period.

"Heyy." She replies.

"Are you going to that party tonight?" I ask.

"Yeah. I was actually going to ask if you wanted to get ready together."

"I was about to ask you that." I laugh.

"But I don't think I can do my house. My parents are hosting a party and some neighborhood families will be there and it's lowkey awkward for us to just leave in the middle of it." She states.

"We can do my house." I reply.

"Okay, perfect. I'll get to your house at 7."

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