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"Okay, one more time."

I match Oren's stance and hold up my fists. His nod tells me to begin, so I throw my first right hook. He had to swing back pretty far to avoid it. I only give him a second to breathe before I throw three punches to his face. His lip is bleeding now, but he told me not to stop for just a little blood. He lands a kick to my shoulder that aches. I retaliate that with a swift knee in the chest. After that, I finally get to spin and kick him in the face with my heel. It's over now because he is on the ground.

A few slower claps startle the both of us. It was only us two and the medic in here. I find my father at the door. He actually does seem a little proud.

"She's doing well," he says to Oren.

I look at Oren, who is holding his jaw in pain.

"-eah," he winces as he tries to keep it still. The medic helps him up and starts to heal his injuries. After he comes over and rests his hand on my sounder, immediately healing whatever damage Oren has caused.

"I need you to change again. The notes need delivered to D.C., and I figured you could use something to do."

The time around me freezes until I feel my heart beat again. Two weeks is a lot less than I had expected.

"A-alright," I choke.

Thank god my father exits the room. Oren and I look at each other. The medic already finished up and is waiting for further instruction.

"Leave us," Oren demands.

He looks confused, but he doesn't ask any questions before walking out of the door.

My hands start to tremble already. I know I should be prepared for this but I don't know if I can go through with it...

"You're ready Adira. You have been for a while now."

He walks in front of me and holds onto my shoulders.

"W-well I know I'm ready, but like... I'm n-not ready-" I explain as my panicked eyes search the room.

"Why aren't you?" he asks.

"We both know it's going to ruin my life..."

He changes his grip on me from a firm grasp of my shoulders to a gentle hug.

"I think we both know it won't be that dramatic," he silently laughs.

He somehow has already calmed me down. It's amazing how nerves work.

"So," I sigh as we release our embrace, "Should I go tell Ramiro?"

He shakes his head, "No, you have shit to do," he grins.

I get a final good luck from him before I go back to the locker rooms. My outfit is nothing suspicious, but the beauty in comes with the skirt. I won't have to get undressed for this, so it will be an easy in and out mission. Once I'm done dressing, I fish my bag for something I've been carrying since we planned this entire operation. A tiny, pinpoint-sized camera. It sits in my eyebrow to give the best view. My chip will pick up the audio for me.

I actually see Ramiro on my way out the door with the papers. He gave me a reassuring smile, one bright enough to last my head the entire hyperloop trip over there. I've only been to D.C. once before. The streets are a lot less busy, and there are all sorts of different trees. It's actually really peaceful. Even in front of the Pentagon is calm. My real fear strikes me when I get to the first step of security. I'd already scanned my chip, though the metal detectors are for obvious safety. Too bad my weapon is my mind. They then have to test me for three gifts that could instantly kill a person; all of which I did not posses. After that there was one final test of importance. The reason I am here made sense, and being the daughter of my father gave me good name. Before I knew it, I was being lead to the offices of the building.

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