Forgetful. I Am Messy

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Gemma Journal:

Day 1:

'Today is the next day after your match. I wanted to tell you I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of who you become and who you will end up being. I can see the good in you Cian. I just wanted you to know I am proud of you. Your growth is amazing. I watched as you went from being in your shell alone to blossoming into a butterfly. A handsome one at that. You're not alone anymore. I hope you realize that. I love you bub.

Love Gems.'

Day 2:

'Well you still haven't woke up yet. And I still haven't left your side. Hopefully you will walk up soon. I wish it was today. But it won't be. Matteo said you're still healing. So you're staying in your coma until you feel like you're healed enough to wake up. Well those weren't his exact words but he dumbed it down so I could understand. Matteo and his doctor terms and words that have fifty letters, and the first ten are silent, and the last thirty make no sense. He said you are improving though. Which I'm thankful for. Hopefully soon I can see your eyes. I love you bub.'

Day 3:

'Why the hell must I learn what a+b=4c?

Like why does Ms. Bottoms give out two hundred apples but take back fifty-nine. Than gives two back but snatch up ten more? Fucking Indian given bitch. You used to help me with my Algebra shit. You made me understand; Matteo and them can't dumb it down like you can. I wish you were awake to help me. I miss you!'

Day 4:

'Today you farted in your sleep. If you wanted me out of here you could have woken up and told me. Instead of trying to kill me with your gassy ass.'

Day 5:

'It's official. I hate fucking math. Wake up please. I miss your teasing on how I can't find the answer or how I'm always one off from the correct one. Or how you mimic me when I bitch about the if so and so had this many and blank stop how ever many; what's left. For starters. The answer isn't my fist. Or I would take them back because they're my cookies. I scored an eighty on my test. Between you and I. I guessed on ninety percent of the questions. Just don't tell anyone.'

Day 6:

'6 days Lucian. 6 bloody days mate!

Are you going to wake up soon?

I miss you.'

Day 7:

It's been a week sir! I need my brother now. Can you take time off from your nap and say hello? Maybe? No? I figured. It was worth a shot.'

Day 8:

'Being brother and sister means being there for each other.

I haven't left your side.'

Day 9:

'Only sister can feel her brother's silent pain. And she will hold his hand until he becomes strong again.

I'll always hold your hand when you aren't strong enough. Remember that.'

Day 10:

'Side by side or miles apart. We are brother and sister. Connected by heart.

Your coma makes me feel like we are universes apart.'

Day 11:

'Brothers are just born to disturb sisters.

Yet you haven't disturbed me in a long ass time.'

Day 12:


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