Untitled Part 15

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   Tan Chunhong has great opinions on Li Yulan.

In her opinion, after her son met Li Yulan, he was disobedient!

At the beginning, Tan Chunhong just wanted to disgust and disgust Wang Yinlian, and vented for herself, but she never thought of putting her son in.

No wonder Li Yulan had the face of a vixen, hooked his son's soul away, and actually married her!

It's even more extreme after getting married. Not to mention moving out of the house, it's her Tan Chunhong who wants to put on the air of a mother-in-law in front of Li Yulan, and she protects her good son like something!

Later, it became even more deviant, and even resigned from the job without authorization...

Tan Chunhong is so angry that she can't sleep at night when she thinks of this series of things, and she regrets it to death.

Seeing that Gu Shen suffered a big loss now, he couldn't help venting his anger on Li Yulan.

Gu Shen's face became extremely bad when he heard the fucking words at this moment.


He just opened his mouth, and Gu Gaotian, who had been sitting on the sidelines, finally spoke up.

He took the lacquered ceramic jar on the table and knocked it down heavily, and said solemnly: "Okay, don't make any noise."

Gu Gaotian is the head of the family, since he made a noise, Tan Chunhong Even if you are dissatisfied, you can only shut up.

"Xiao Shen, your mother has a good saying, you really shouldn't quit your job before." Gu Gaotian said, "Listen to us, you don't need to go to the provincial capital, just stay in the county town and think of a way. Let's see if we can find another job. As for the money we owe, let's collect it together and pay it back slowly."

"Yes!" Tan Chunhong nodded, "Wang Yinlian and the others must also pay for this money. There are so many things, there is no reason for them to sit on the sidelines now that they are having difficulties."

Gu Shen was speechless for a while.

He could hear that Gu Gaotian said this for his own good, but at the same time, he could also see that Gu Gaotian and Tan Chunhong were trying to regain control over him.

Among the three children of the Gu family, Gu Gaotian valued Gu Kang, and Tan Chunhong loved Gu Qianqian.

Gu Shen was the most embarrassing child in the middle.

Although Gu's father and Gu's mother have never treated him badly, Gu Shen has always grown up with peace of mind - he went to elementary school, middle school and university step by step, and even after graduation, he took the initiative to apply with the school to return to their small county.

But in fact, his feelings for Gu's father and mother are very light.

He listened to them before, but he obeyed their arrangement because he had no goals and expectations.

But now that he has found what he wants, it will definitely go against the requirements and expectations of Gu's parents and Gu's mother.

Gu's father and Gu's mother don't know this, they only think that he has become rebellious after marriage.

What they didn't know was that Gu Shen had always been rebellious, but it was only now that he showed it.

"Dad, please forgive me for not agreeing with what you said." Gu Shen looked at Gu Gaotian and said firmly.

"Look, look, I said he was fascinated by that little goblin!" Tan Chunhong said, covering her chest.

Gu Gaotian was not as anxious as Tan Chunhong, but took another puff of cigarette and said, "Xiao Shen, you can think about it. Stay here, we can help you pay back the money you owe, and your mother and I still have a little bit. Savings. If we leave, then we can't control it."

This is a clear threat.

Hearing this, Gu Shen knew that he had nothing to say, so he stood up, lowered his eyes and said, "I've figured it out, we are on the train at ten o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, if my parents want to send it, they can come here."

"It's getting late, It's time for me to go back."

Gu Shen and Gu's father and Gu's mother said goodbye, turned around and left.

Tan Chunhong watched his tall and straight back disappear outside the door, so angry that she was speechless.

On the contrary, Gu Gaotian glanced at her and scolded: "Okay, Xiaoshen is also a father and has his own ideas. We parents should leave it alone and can't control it."

Gu Shen walked out of the meat factory . The night outside was already dark.

Thinking of the attitude of Gu's father and Gu's mother just now, Gu Shen sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

When they returned home dressed in the stars in the night sky, Li Yulan and Dabao had already slept, leaving only a dimly yellow table lamp.

Because of the move, the whole house seemed a little empty, but Gu Shen felt full.

He walked slowly to the bedside, looking at the sleeping faces of Li Yulan and Dabao, his stern brows became softer.

This is his home.


The things at home have been dealt with one after another.

Gu Shen had already packed the things that needed to be taken away, and asked a friend who happened to be going to S city for transportation to take them along.

Those valuables that could not be taken away, they were directly sold at a discount to the nearby neighbors who wanted it.

As for some small items, they were given to neighbors who knew each other, and it was considered a good relationship.

In order to prevent Wang Yinlian and others from attacking the idea of ​​this house, after discussing with Li Yulan, Gu Shen and Li Yulan simply did the trick.

Facts have proved that they really achieved the idea in this scene.

Don't look at Wang Yinlian, who has not dared to come to the door in recent days, but in fact, she has been observing secretly!

After being reminded by Zhang Xiaoli, Wang Yinlian decided not to listen to the one-sided words of Gu Shen and Li Yulan.

Gu Shen was not sure, but Wang Yinlian knew that Li Yulan, her own daughter, was not an honest one! It is not impossible for the two to deceive her together.

Therefore, when I found out that there were really a few tall, big, five, and three thick men who had taken over the house, Wang Yinlian couldn't believe it - her son-in-law is really bankrupt!

Thinking of the amount of money that is about to be lost, Wang Yinlian is very heartbroken, and she also wants to go to their family after she died. Don't be chased and borrowed by them instead of getting the money by then!

In a blink of an eye, it was the night before the move, and Gu Shen and Li Yulan sorted out the things they were going to bring with them.

While sorting it out, the courtyard door was slammed again.

Dabao kicked on his short legs to open the door, and after a while he hurried back to report: "Mom, auntie is here!"

The auntie in Dabao's mouth was Li Yulan's sister Li Yumei.

Hearing Li Yumei coming, Li Yulan hurriedly stood up.

Although Li Yumei's sister was so poisoned by Wang Yinlian's education that she was a little confused at times, it is undeniable that Li Yumei was very kind to Li Yulan's sister.

Li Yulan almost grew up with Li Yumei when she was a child.

Li Yumei is more like a mother than Wang Yinlian, although she is only five years older than Li Yulan.

Moreover, after Li Yulan graduated from high school, when she was scrambling to take the recruitment examination, it was Li Yumei who lent her the money.

Not long after Li Yumei got married at that time, her previous salary was handed over to Wang Yinlian without a cent, and she didn't have any money in her hand, but she still lent her through gritted teeth.

Just thinking about it, a thin woman walked in with a little girl of eight or nine years old.

It was Li Yumei and her daughter Jiang Mo.

Li Yumei and Li Yulan don't look too much alike, but both sisters are very beautiful.

It may be related to their personalities. Li Yumei is a kind of very gentle and beautiful, and she looks easy to bully. On the other hand, Li Yulan's beauty is more aggressive, and she can even see some stubbornness from her beautiful face.

"Sister!" Li Yulan cried out happily when she saw Li Yumei coming.

There was also a gentle smile on Li Yumei's face, she glanced at her stomach again, and said angrily: "What are you doing, sit down."

Li Yulan pulled Li Yumei to sit next to her.

Jiang Mo, who was beside Li Yumei, also showed a timid smile, and called out in a low voice, "Auntie."

"Hey!" Li Yulan responded and said with a smile, "I haven't seen Xiao Mo for a long time.

" Playing with her fingers uncomfortably, Li Yulan called out to Dabao: "Dabao, come and take your sister Xiaomo to see your toys.

" carried in the luggage.

There was not much to do, so Li Yulan also let him.

Dabao didn't have any objection when he heard the fucking order, he ran over and took Jiang Mo's hand and was about to walk into the room: "Come on, Sister Xiaomo, I'll show you the tin car my father bought for me! "

Jiang Mo nodded hastily, and Dabao took her away.

Gu Shen saw Li Yumei coming, and after pouring the water, he pushed it out wisely, leaving the space for the two sisters.

Looking at Jiang Mo's little back, Li Yulan couldn't help frowning.

Jiang Mo reminded her of Gu Yuanyuan, the daughter of Gu Kang's family. The two girls are not much different in age, but their personalities are vastly different.

Gu Yuanyuan is lively and bold, while Jiang Mo is too timid.

But thinking of the environment on the Jiang family's side, Li Yulan didn't find it strange.

After all, she was her own niece, but Li Yulan couldn't help but mention a few words to Li Yumei: "Sister, Xiaomo, you need to care more about her."

Li Yumei showed a bitter smile: "Xiaomo was pregnant by me in October. My daughter, how could I not love her..."

But the Jiang family prioritizes sons over daughters, so they don't have any good feelings for the girl Jiang Mo.

Li Yulan was also silent, reaching out to hold Li Yumei's hand to comfort her.

But with this grip, she sensed something was wrong.

"Sister, why are your hands so cold?" Li Yulan asked in surprise.

It was getting hotter and hotter at the moment, and those who were afraid of heat had already turned on the fans, but Li Yumei's hands were as cold as in winter.

Li Yumei quickly retracted her hand and hid it, her eyes a little unnatural, and said, "It's nothing, I'm just cold."

Her reaction made Li Yulan's suspicion even more stubborn.

Li Yulan put her eyes on Li Yumei again, because of the lighting, and because Li Yulan didn't look carefully just now, she found that Li Yumei's face was also extremely pale, and her lips were completely bloodless.

"Are you sick?" Li Yulan asked nervously as she took a small blanket from the sofa and put it on her.

This small blanket was still left on the sofa by Gu Shen, who was afraid that she would be cold.

Li Yumei put on a blanket and shivered.

Li Yulan reached out and touched her forehead, which was also cold, and even sweated a little.

This look... Li Yulan frowned, a conjecture emerged in her mind, and her face became angry.

"He asked you to have an abortion again?" Li Yulan said through gritted teeth.

When Li Yumei heard her words, she raised her head suddenly and opened her mouth.

Li Yulan knew she had guessed right as soon as she saw her expression.

Li Yumei hasn't shown up these days, and it's because she just had a miscarriage that she couldn't go out.

"I'm going to find that bastard Jiang Juncai to settle the account!" Li Yulan stood up abruptly, her brows full of anger.

Li Yumei was so frightened that she quickly grabbed Li Yulan's hand and begged, "Xiaolan, don't be impulsive!"

"Sister, are you going to let their family abuse you like this?" Li Yulan said angrily.

As mentioned earlier, the Jiang family prioritizes sons over daughters, so they are very dissatisfied with Li Yumei's birth of a daughter, and have always wanted Li Yumei to give birth to a son for their Jiang family.

If they have seeds, it's fine, but the Jiang family has no guts...

Every time Li Yumei becomes pregnant, they start to feel distressed about the job they will lose, and they take Li Yumei and abort the child again.

I don't know how many times this is!

Li Yumei, no matter how good her body is, can't help being tortured like this...

"He is my husband after all..." Li Yumei lowered her eyes and said.

Li Yulan was so angry with her stomachache that she calmed her breath and said, "What husband? If Jiang Juncai has the guts, he will find another woman to have a baby! Sister, we women really don't need to be so submissive, we have to learn Live for yourself!"

Li Yumei remained silent.

Li Yulan was about to be mad at her, and felt that Wang Yinlian's education was so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

She didn't know how many times she had said these words to Li Yumei, but it was useless.

She still followed what Wang Yinlian had instilled in her: a woman would marry a chicken and a dog would marry a dog, and only when she gave birth to a son could she raise her head...

Both of them were silent for a long time, or Li Yumei spoke again: " Forget it, don't talk about these things."

Li Yulan glared at her.

"By the way, I heard that Gu Shen owes a debt... How much do you owe? I still have some money, you can take it for emergencies first."

Li Yumei took out a pale yellow kraft paper envelope from her arms , with a stack of money in it.

Seeing this scene, Li Yulan really loves and hates her.

Li Yumei's own salary is not high.

Li Yulan also knew that it was definitely not easy for her sister to take out the money, and she might be embarrassed by the Jiang family again.

But this money Li Yulan absolutely cannot ask for.

She pushed the money back, afraid that her sister would not be at ease, so she whispered to her: "You keep this money yourself, Gu Shen and I are not as bad as I said, and there is still a little money, so don't talk to your mother about this. Say it."

Li Yulan didn't dare to tell her the truth, mainly because she was afraid that Li Yumei would not be able to hide it, and it would be bad if she was caught by Wang Yinlian.

Li Yumei carefully looked at the expression on Li Yulan's face, and she was relieved when she saw that she had a good face and no worries about owing money.

Her younger sister has always been smarter than herself. Since she said so, it should be no big deal.

But after taking all the money, Li Yumei still wanted to give it to her.

Li Yulan put the money into her pocket with a cold face: "I'll be angry if you give it to me again! Take the money back yourself, don't tell the Jiang family, you have to think about yourself and Xiaomo.

" Unwilling to accept it, Li Yumei had no choice but to give up.

The sisters chatted some more gossip, and suddenly mentioned Li Jiaojiao.

"Xiao Lan, do you know what happened to the uncle's family these days?"

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