chapter 15

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y/n pov

"well about that.." i looked away, my heart got faster, i was lowkey freaking out on the thought of telling her


"uh.. so you see.. about hyunjin-" i took a deep breath, "I've been considering on not- doing the.. deal." there. I said it.

"what? why? did anything happen? did you two fight?"

"uhm.. I just-.. dont like it with hyunjin anymore. And he never seemed to like me either. I really dont want to be in a forced relationship in my future, it doesn't sound right."

"oh dear- since when has this been happening?"

"uh, last year" yea. i lied. I couldn't just tell her I've been getting shit treated by him the past years

"why didnt you tell me before?"

"i uh.. thought it was a temporary thing and that i could make him like me.. but i was wrong i guess, I can't really take it anymore, he doesnt treat me right. im sorry mom.."

"no honey dont be sorry, its my fault for putting you into all this at such a young age, just for the sole purpose of my profit. I've been such a bad mom and i apologize."

"mom, i clearly was in my senses when i agreed to all this, so its not your fault, don't blame it on yourself, okay?"

she sighed, it turned out the other way i thought it would, she's disappointed in her instead of me

"lets go and cancel the deal right away tomorrow, can you tell me more so i can tell his parents?"

"uhh could we do it after one or two weeks..? i kinda wanna think of it a little more"

"oh.. but didn't you say you don't feel right with him?"

"yea i don't talk to him anymore, I just kinda wanna- think over it a little more you know?"

"well if you say so, but remember don't let yourself down because of him okay?"

"mhm" ahaha totally haven't been doing it for years-

she gave me a warm smile and went back to eating

"oh also mom-"


"soo- do you know the boy who's been tutoring me recently?"

"oh the tall one with a puppy like face?"


"yea him, I've actually been getting close friends with him and uh-"

"thats great! do you like him?"

"noo- not that- well, he's been a really good friend and he also helped me confront hyunjin, and i was wondering if.. we could do anything to uh.. help back you know..?"

"oh sure! what do you wanna do?"

"well his family has been having some financial problems lately and I was wondering if we could.. help them out maybe?"

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