Chapter 10

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It has been about a month since me and Luca kissed and ever since we kissed we have gotten way closer. Luca has opened up to me more. He also has been way more touchy with me ever since we kissed and we also kiss all the time. He also has been glued to my side more lately and never let's me go.

We are currently at the town fair waiting in line for this rollercoaster. Luca has his arm around my waist and I'm leaning into him all of all sudden I feel him go ridged. I look up at him and ask him "If he is okay" and he just nods his head yes and kisses me on the top of my head.

He relaxes a little bit but not fully and he pulls me closer to him. I wonder what has gotten him like this? I see this group of guys coming towards us and let me just tell you they don't look friendly. If it's even possible Luca pulls me even closer.

"What's up Luca" the guy on the left says

How does he know Luca? He just barely moved here and he rarely goes out if ever and if he does go out he usually has me come with him. Plus these guys don't look like someone he would hang around with.

"Nothing much Jordan" Luca says

"What are you doing here. Last I checked you were still in maryland. Why are you here?"

"Oh you know we thought we would check to see how are good old friend as been since he stopped contacting us-"

He looks over at me "But by the way it looks it looks like you are doing just fine without us. You mind introducing us to that fine ass woman you have attached to your side"

When he says that I scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"How about no because you don't need to know her she's none of your business-

Luca gets closer to him so close that he is practically in his face and tells him

-how about you quit looking at her like you want to fuck her cause you ain't gonna have her cause she is mine and know ones else's and how about you turn around and go back to where you belong which is back in Maryland cause you don't belong here and nobody wants you here." Luca backs up and grabs me and takes us away from them.

He takes us back to the car and he opens the door for me. I tell him thank you and he closes the door. He goes to his side and gets in.

"How do you know them Luca?" I ask

"There just some old friends from Maryland"

"Those are your friends. I would never have thought they would be your friends."

"Why Greylee?"

"They just don't seem like the kind of people you would hang out with"

"What kind of people do I look like I hang around with then"

"I don't know but it's definitely not them"

"Well that's who I was friends with so deal with it or don't I could care less with what you do" he says bitterly

After he says that my eyes start to instantly water so I turn my head and look out the window so he doesn't see me cry.


I just ignore him

"Greylee please look at me"

I turn towards him but I keep my head down so he doesn't see my tears.

He picks my head up so I'm looking at him and when he sees the tears in my eyes  his eyes instantly softened and he wipes my tears away.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you I'm just a little on edge from seeing them"

He pulls me over the center console so now that I'm straddling him. I wrap my arms around his waist and I put my head on his chest and cuddle up into him and he kisses the top of my head

"Well you tell me about them" I ask

"What do you want to know"


Authors note:

Word count: 691

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