32. Accident

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Shubra maa was crying..phone was fallen from her hands...
Binoy, som, batuk, ksj , anirudh and saudamini cane down..

Som:- what happened maa?? Why are you crying??

Shubra maa:- Bon ....bondita...

Binoy:- what...what happened to bondita??

Anirudh:- yes , maa what happened to her??

Shubra maa:- acc...accident...

Every one(together):- what??

Shubra maa:- it...it was call from hospital...

Ksj:- let's go...

Everyone went to hospital...

Batuk to receptionist:- bondita Rc..where is she?

Receptionist:- straight then right ..first Operation theatre....

Batuk:- thank you....

Whole family went and stood outside OT...
After sometime doctor came...
Som:- how is my boudi?? Is she fine??

Dr.:- we have did our best...actually car had hitted her so she got hurt on her head..she will gain consciousness in 1 HR....

Som:- thank you doctor...

Binoy called bondita's family and told them the whole scenario...they will be coming to hospital itself..

Anirudh was in hospital's temple and praying continuously for bondita...

After few hours...
Bondita gained consciousness ..
Doctor checked her and told that they can meet bondita...

Whole family went inside...
Bondita's eyes were closed but after listening opening of door she opened her eyes...

Binoy:- how are you beta?

Bondita(weakly):- f..fine..

Anirudh was continuously looking at her...now he couldn't control himself and he ran to her and hugged her tightly...
All family members had tears in there eyes...

Anirudh:- how are you ??

Bondita:- f..fine.. but who are you??

Anirudh and whole family was shocked...

Anirudh:- you don't...don't know me..I..I m anirudh..

Bondita:- o..oh mini dii's to be husband right??

Anirudh:- what?

Anirudh didn't know how to react so he left to doctor...

Anirudh:- Dr. Bondita is not recognising me..what's the reason??

Dr.:- as I said because of accident her head hitted with car...so she is going through short term memory loss...I think so she has lost memory of 1 year...u need to deal her with her ways
..don't stress her...

Anirudh:- t..thank ...y..you ..doctor...

He left from there with broken heart...
He was continuously crying...

Shubra maa:- what happened ?

Anirudh:- maa..Bon...bondita has...lo..lost ..her ...me..memory ...of ...one..one...Ye...year...

He hugged shubra maa....she too was crying but consoled him...

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Off course written by me on ANIDITA...
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