Ch 20

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Jin:- y/n are you sure you want to tell? You'll not have any regretion right?

Y/n:- ah.. no oppa and I'm ready to tell

Jimin:- so tell nah

Y/n:- (thinking:- aish so harsh and rough)

Jin:- jimin?

Jimin:- (he looked at jin oppa with a questioning look, with a raised eyebrow)

Jin:- disciplines and manners? Do I have to teach you again?

Jimin:- sorry hyung

Jin:- and this is the first and last time you're being this much rough with her. If I see it repeating I'm gonna kick you out of the house for 3 freaking days

Jimin:- ok

He said and looked down.

Y/n:- argh. . Anyways. Can I start?

Jin:- yeah

Y/n:- so it is the time when I was just 10 years old. Means 10 years ago.

*10 years ago*

Y/n P.O.V

It has been 3 years since dad died. I was lonely because mom had to handle every work in the company. She was also frustrated. Talking is away, we two didn't got to see each other daily. I wanted someone by my side. I never had any siblings. I wanted one.
        One Sunday, when mom was relaxing im fact still on her laptop, I went to her.

Y/n:- mom? Are you busy?

Mom:- no baby come here

I went and sat on my mom's lap

Y/n:- mom can you do me a favour?

Mom:- first let me see, what is it

Y/n:- mom I want a sibling

Mom:-  Sibling? How can I do that?

Y/n:- mom, I mean can we adopt a child?

Mom:- adopting? I don't give time to you, ig I cannot give time to that person also

Y/n:- mom I'll take care of her. And mom you're so busy nowadays, I feel so alone and lonely. Just 1 mom? Please

Mom:- ok let me think

Y/n:- ok mom

I got down from her lap and went back to my room.

*Some days later*
*Still y/n POV*

It was 8:30 pm. I was studying. Suddenly, the bell rang. I thought mom? At this hour? So early? Anyways, I went to open the door and it revealed mom and one girl whom I didn't knew. She looked a little younger than me.

Y/n:- mom who's she?

Mom:- aishhhh... Y/n... You're the one who asked for a sib-

Y/n:- you mean my sibling?????

Mom:- yes baby

I welcomed her in

???:- my name is Aera. Nice to meet you and I'm happy to be the member of your family though we are not of same bloo--

I kept my fingers on her lips

Y/n:- shhh... It will never come up that you're not of same blood. You're a part of us

She smiled

Mom:- she's just 8 and her mom dad died in an accident.

Y/n:- you must be hurt

Aera:- yes I am and I wanted a new family like you

I smiled

Y/n:- but mom? What about her room?

Mom:- I'll take care of that. But let her sleep in your room for a few days

Y/n:- I've no problem

Mom:- and be her tutor. Make her study

Y/n:- ok mom

Back to again y/n POV

Y/n:- this was how she became the member of us...

Hobi:- but she seems nice

Y/n:- she was not until she met Jeong

Hobi:- can you just clear us?

Y/n:- when Jeong was my boyfriend he cheated on me with Aera..

BTS:- whattttttt????!!!!!

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