Chapter 18: Insects in the Water

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"Crystalline, Y/N. You must use the 6th Form, or else he will be killed!"

Blood from my hand trickled down my blade, as I could see it begin to glow...
My Nichirin ore had turned pure crystal, as it glistened in the full moon's light.

"I'll take care of these, Tanjiro! Go kill that bastard!"

"The bonds between the people I love...can never be severed by anyone!"


The sparks diminished, as Tanjiro and I were out of breath. Bruised and bloody, my knees gave out and I began to fall. But I was caught in the strong but shaky arms of my companion as he collapsed onto the ground with me.
Nezuko fell from the burning webs, and I mustered enough strength to catch her head from crashing into the forest floor. She was fast asleep once again.

" did it!" I gasped, inhaling and exhaling sharply.

"We did it Y/N...if it wasn't for you...and Nezuko I wouldn't have been able to...get close enough. I'm so sorry...that you both got hurt because of me." Tanjiro panted, as we gazed in each other's eyes.

I closed my eyes in relief, "No...I'm sorry I couldn't do more to help-" I paused as I felt Tanjiro's hand on my head, and the familiar feeling of his lips gently pressing against my forehead.

"You did more than enough Y/N...we can rest now." He whispered with a smile, slowly stroking my hair.

A sharp pain pierced through my hands and legs, as something unexpected occurred. Small crystal fragments poked out from my open cuts and I winced in pain as it felt like I was being impaled by glass.

"Y/N...what's happening? Why are there... crystals coming out of your hands?"

"I...its the effects of my final breathing form. I never told you about it because...I didn't want you to stop me from using it." I hissed in pain, tears stinging in my eyes.

"Shh, it's okay...just breathe," Tanjiro reassured, "It's going to be okay...we'll get you to a doctor and see if they can help. For now...focus on me and I'll keep you stable."

I slowly inhaled and exhaled as my companion held me, his breathing synching with mine.
Faint sounds of footsteps could be heard as I gazed up to see a horrific sight. Tanjiro noticed my shocked expression and turned to face the sounds source as well. The spider brother was still alive, his head being held to his neck by threads.

"No! Tanjiro killed you, you bastard!" I shouted, my throat burned as I tasted blood in my mouth.

"I will admit, it was quite a close call. But I managed to separate my own head from my neck before he got the chance to do so himself." Rui explained, "Fortunately now you both are in no shape to kill me for good, so I will finally end this."

"Blood Demon Art: Murderous Eye Basket!"

With a flick of his crimson fingertips, we were enclosed into a web, strings slicing every part of our body. The crystals that grew out of my hands cut some of the threads, but was little to no use as to the thousands more that surrounded us.

I reached my palm to caress Tanjiro's cheek for the first and final time. My eyes slowly closed, as I accepted the fate Tanjiro and I were to receive.

*•Crystals in the Moonlight•* a Demon Slayer fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now