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The Cullens were still keeping Niles as insurance, but now that he was healed, Sieg could do a lot more...

Not everything mind you, but a damn bit more than his last and the Denali took full advantage of it. How? Chores.

As it turns out, the cozy little rampage Sieg had waged on the two covens had not only bruised their pride but had also destroyed their kitchen, living room, and the cellar; yet the wine was Sieg's biggest regret. Three hundred something bottles of wine collected over centuries just smashed to multicolored smithereens—it was a sin worst than the existing seven.

"Why the wine?" Sieg whined. "Oh, The wine!"

So they were making him fix it and manually too; The Denali's leader Tanya, a little blonde woman that made his lust dance, seemed adamant that he build it all back by hand.

She was so serious in fact, she brought him back to this little hut behind the house pregnant with two stone chimneys, a work table, and an arsenal of tools worthy of an outdoorsy serial killer.

"Eleazar's Smithy," She said, voice heavy with her thick accent. "You will work here."

And she started to leave, but smug little bitch that he was, Sieg called this after her. "What, you're not going to chain me to the table or anything?"

"I do not think Alice would like that." Tanya replied. "And besides, we have your Niles—so kill the lazy and do the worky."

"Hey I'm not lazy, I just don't see the point. Fossils tend to be rich in some way, don't you know?"

Tanya shrugged. "Maybe we are, maybe we aren't. Money isn't forever, you know?"

"Yeah but you are." Sieg peeled off his flannel and revealed the sleeveless tee under all gray. "My god, you've been breathing centuries, if you're not rich by now—Order yourself an assassin already and let 'er rip."

"Later Siegen."

And so he went to work, he'd broken a table...and so he decided to make that first—thank you Dad.

But days passed to hours and those melted to weeks til two months found him still freezing every bit of his ass in Alaska; August. By then, he'd built, painted, and replaced almost everything he'd thrown Edward through—except the wine.

"Oh the wine."

Mid-through August though, Sieg started noticing something weird—no, not Alice walking out to speak to him then flushing and returning back inside like a little pixie, weird.
No, it was something more guttural. Fleeting even. Sieg was being watched.

He couldn't quite explain it, nor even prove it but he was certain that someone other than the fossils had eyes on him and what's more, it felt familiar. There was a certain weight to the air that he'd once himself inhabited, a bit of density in the atmosphere his mere presence had once caused, and now on the receiving end of that too , Sieg had to admit that it wasn't fun; every organ in his body seemed to come more than alive. Like an orchestra going all out for their very last show. His heart, forever the lead player, took the biggest hit.

But that incessant beating in his chest was not for fear, for Siegen Westen wasn't afraid of anything: he slept on train tracks, danced in bear traps, and every once in a while, stabbed a blade through his heart just for kicks and This speedy tic-tic was an effect of whatever had arrived and as the second-ago clear sky turned coal dark, as the clouds bunched up and churned like carousels, Sieg dropped his hammer.

The house was about a quarter a mile from the shed so escaping was no cakewalk, Sieg made it back unscathed though—he grabbed the glass door's handle to enter and smacked straight into someone. Alice.

"I have to ask you something," She was saying said, but Sieg was distracted. Her eyes had lost their bronze color, they were now hovering somewhere between black and brown. Good...those were the ones he'd fallen in love with, not the ones he'd given her. "Sieg-"

"This is really not the time, Chickadee. Something's really fucking wrong." The wind blew a big one, sending him stumbling into Alice.

She fixed him back to his feet but they buckled and Sieg took them to the ground on his knees, his forehead on her shoulder left his face facing her chest and that sent his heavy breaths straight down her shirt. Alice shivered at how cold it felt. "Sieg? Are you alright?"

"My heart," He told her all distracted, his eyes were losing focus. It was like watching a dementia patient go through their first bout. " heart keeps beating fast and I don't mean every time I see you typa thing. I mean bomb fast, Licé."

"Do you know why?"

"No I don't but tell you what—be a lamb, get me a knife and I'll take a look, alright?"

Okay—so his sarcasm was intact, Alice thought. Couldn't have been that bad, and it wasn't...Soon, as she thought this, he begin to calm. She could feel his heart slowing back to normal, see the wind dying to a light breeze, and see the sun barreling through the stormy clouds like curtains, pulling them apart to make way for its rays.

It all went back to normal or so they thought. Sieg leapt to his feet, jaw clenched and shoulders haunched. Standing before her so that she was completely hidden from the outsider's point of view.

"Stay behind me, Licé."

"Licé?" This shadow fell across the glass door and stopped. "I must be in the right place then. Thank Earth!"

This kooky voice kept going on and on about tiring journeys as if having a full conversation and the more the person talked, the less defensive Sieg became, his shoulder fell back like the Red Sea after Moses' grand performance and soon he was hesitantly shuffling towards the door.


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