Chapter 3: Fester Returns

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The whole family rushed to the front door to see if it was true.

"Could it be?"

"Is it him?"

"Is it possible?"

"Oh my god."

Fester stepped forward into the house.

"Fester." Gomez whispered.

"Gomez." Fester replied.

Gomez walked up to Fester and embraced him and kissed his cheek.

Wednesday and (Y/n) looked down and noticed they were still holding hands, and awkwardly released each other.

From behind them, Mrs. Craven stepped forward.

"Good evening." She greeted in a heavy German accent. "I am Dr. Pinder-Schloss."


Everyone was now seated in the living room as Dr. Pinder-Schloss explained Fester's story.

"He was found in Miami, tangled in a tuna net. It was just last month during the hurricane Helga. The sky it was black like pitch, the waves, they were walls of doom. Can you imagine? They drag him from the ocean, from the very jaws of oblivion. I'm telling you. There were tests, so many tests. A complete psychological profile. At long last, the Florida Department of the Fish and the Game, they say, lo and behold, oh my, oh my, oh my, go tell it on the mountains, he is your brother. Boom! They give him to me at human services, and I am bringing him, after all these years, after who knows what heartache, after the naked and the dead, I am bringing him home to you."

"That's preposterous." Margret chimed in. "Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?"

"It certainly is." Gomez smiled. "Now your back."

"Yes, back. Back to share your joys, your sorrows, hey, everything." Tulley added.

"Well, I just don't know." Margret said.

Tulley distracted her by holding up the finger trap. "How does this work again?"

"An infant would understand." She snapped, and accidentally got her finger stuck in it again.

"Fester Addams. Home at long last." Morticia announced.

"Well, at least for a week." Fester said.

"A week? Don't be ridiculous. You're home." Gomez insisted.

"Sorry, but I have to get back. Got a lot of things cooking in the Bermuda Triangle." He explained.

"Oh, Gomez. The Bermuda Triangle." Morticia purred.

"Devil's Island." Gomez smirked.

"The Black Hole of Calcutta." Morticia said seductively.

"Excuse us." Gomez started kissing her hands.

"Second honeymoon." Morticia explained to Dr. Pinder-Schloss.

"Dr. Pinder-Schloss, will you be staying with us, too?" Morticia asked.

"No, no. I must be going. But I will be back, you can bet, to be checking on Fester's adjustment. Although, it might be helpful to have someone here who could help Fester out with his adjustments. How about this young lady here?" She gestured to (Y/n) who was sitting in an armchair.

"You know, I think that would be a terrific idea." Tulley agreed.

"You're not seriously considering leaving this poor girl here are you?" Margret asked incredulously.

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