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Time went on the lawyers worked and we tried to have a life. Our dinner Saturday went great. Sunday Zach and I went on a real date. Out to dinner and then to a movie. Some making out in his car before he took me home. As Christmas came he brought his family and I was adopted immediately by his mother who said I was the cutest young man. Anise won them over instantly as well. My sister had found that she loved Zach and she treated him just like another big brother. As school went on toward spring and graduation the parents were forced to drop most of their cases. The one that went to a hearing was the one to have him on the sexual predators list. They lost their case since he wasn't even arrested for anything and the investigation was dismissed. Zachs case for unjust firing was lost since he was questioned about me and the board had reason to doubt him. But he won the case for defamation of character and they were forced to put out a public apology to him as well as give him a severance package as part of the apology.

He did manage to find a job he was interested in, as a manager of a restaurant. Thought he admitted it was only temporary. He was putting in applications for jobs in some colleges as a teaching assistant. He was also talking about going back to school for a degree in psychology. I'd teased him about us going together. Then I found out we really were applying to a few of the same colleges. I had a silent wish that we'd really end up at the same school.

We were out on a date. It was April I only had three weeks of school left. We were at his place I was currently spread eagle on his bed, naked while he sucks and teases my cock. I'd been feeling bad all day and he'd teased that I just needed to be made love to so I'd feel better. I'd gone with it figuring that nothing could make my stomach worse. I was wrong. Shoving him off I sprint for his bathroom and puke into his toilet. My stomach cramped and I kept it up until I was dry heaving. He stood there holding my hips steadying me. My weak knees had me sinking to the floor. The cold tile floor and tub against my back felt good.

"How you feeling?" He asks grabbing a wet paper towel and wiping my face for me.

"Well my stomach stopped cramping finally. Totally ruined the the nice job you were doing." I say and laugh. He chuckles and grabs a towel to flip over my lap.

"I really think you should go to the doctor." He's telling me. "You've been feeling bad for two weeks. Now you've thrown up. We can just run to the immediate care it's probably just the flu or something. We need to go let them take a look."

"No. If I have to I'll make an appointment at my doctors. Then I don't have to go through my whole medical history. I'll call them tomorrow. For now I'm really tired take me to bed." He helps me up and tucks me into bed. "Hey where's my phone." he hands it over and I text dad telling him I'm staying at Zachs for the night. He just sends back a 'k'. They'd gotten really good about my relationship with Zach and butting out of it basically. Zach slips into bed with me and just holds me. In the morning I borrow some of his clothes and head home. It's the weekend so I'd have to wait till Monday to call the doctor.

Zach says he wants to go with me so I make the appointment for Friday afternoon when I know he'll be off. I get out of class early and much to my parents annoyance I don't let them come but let Zach meet me there. The doctor examines me and then draws some blood. Saying he's got a test he wants to do and he'll be back.

"I think he knows what it is and won't tell me. Which means it's not good." I tell Zach.

"It could be fine, just the flu."

"It could be cancer." I tell him. He frowns.

"Well thanks for putting that out there." The doctor comes back with a machine.

"Well?" I ask. He smiles trying for reassuring.

"Well I just want to do a little ultrasound and we'll see if it's something or just a false alarm."

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