7 - A Therapy Session In Which My Therapists Probably Need Therapy

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At 3.00pm Aunt Jenny drove me downtown to the therapists office. It was a bit of a battle to leave the house. She kept trying to get me to wear some of the clothes she bought me, namely the yellow floral dress. It got even worse when she gave me my own makeup kit to use. Luckily, I won, and all I had to wear was one of my new training bras, this one was bright red. It was the least outwardly girly of the bunch but it still felt odd to wear under my normal shirts.

'Not even a touch of mascara, or even some light lip gloss.' Aunt Jenny kept saying stuff like that on the car ride. It got annoying fast. 'Denial isn't healthy for someone transitioning.' I wanted to tell her that transitioning wasn't my decision, but it would only complicate things. I needed to hold out becoming too much like a girl. I needed to find a way to reverse the transformation. The world seemed adamant on not letting me maintain my manhood until then.

Aunt Jenny dropped me off at the office, which was an old fancy building that was built into one of the many hospitals downtown. I knew she would probably be shopping for me while I waited, so even after this, I foresaw the day getting much worse.

I didn't have to wait long in the waiting room, which was a bit of a shame since the girl at the front desk was quite cute. She had long brown hair put into a nice straight fringe. She looked very young as well, maybe even my age.

It was a bit suspicious, but as she opened the doors for me and led me into the office, my fears were realized.

'Good afternoon Mr.-I mean-Ms. Middleton. What did you want to be called again?'

I stood motionless as the front desk lady locked the door behind me. I was trapped. Trapped in a room with the deranged British doctor and his Irish goth girl assistant.

'Fancy running into you here, my good man-um, I mean-woman? I am very confused. Millie, what did our patient here like to be called again?'

'Gavin. Just Gavin. She preferred being addressed as a he, but it's not technically correct.'

'Pish posh,' the doctor said. 'Gavin it is! How are we today?'

I glared at the man. He looked exactly the same from the other times we had met. He wasn't even in a hospital setting anymore, yet he stilled wore a lab coat with a clinical face mask and gloves.

'I was having a perfectly adequate day until you ruined it.'

'Apologies,' the doctor said, scooting towards me in his wheeled chair, 'but we had to think of some way to get you alone.'

'And hijacking a therapy session was your first thought?'

'Second, to be exact,' he said. 'But organizing an impromptu carnival proved to be more difficult than it sounds.'

'That sounds very difficult!'

'You would not believe the amount of eyes you have on you,' the doctor said, shifting the subject back. 'You've gotten yourself involved with some very powerful figures.'

I turned to leave before they could continue, but the door was locked, and leaping out the window would probably be a terrible idea. Though, it didn't stop the odd duo last time.

'Take a seat, Gavin,' the doctor said, scooting over to a leather couch. 'This is a therapy appointment, is it not?'

'That is correct, doctor,' Millie answered. She was wearing a different sort of Halloween costume today. It was a puffy black dress with many rips and tears paired with red and black striped socks and chunky boots that clomped with every step. She had a large witches hat on her head and was once again made up in every dark color you could imagine.

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