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I love how our friendship with Jaden grew again.
I mean I do live him, more like a friend but I'm just not really ready for a relationship.
Maybe it'll come back soon, I mean our RELATIONSHIP.
The science project I was supposed to do with Jaden didn't worked, so we like changed partners.
I mean it was due 2 months ago, but it somehow changed.

We needed to present it to our class.
As me and my partner did, I saw and felt Jaden staring at me, and only me.
He's just the same as he was,
Hopefully he still changed in one part, telling the truth.

He did.
He did changed, that's what I realized after 1 month friendship again.
Do I regret dumping him as he asked me to to be his girlfriend again...?



Maybe not

I just hope someday it will get back as it was at the beginning.
Anyways, he has a baseball game again.
I came ofc, I mean I'm his best friend.
Again I cheered as I never did,

One word:
Deja vu

As we almost just moved in here I did the same thing,

I came to his game and cheered so hard.
I kinda knew that we were supposed to be together,
I guess minds change too.

I remember saying to be his soulmate he is mine..

Maybe it's true
Maybe not.

It's hard to tell tho.

- Jaden pov-

I'm happy me and Yn got our friendship back.

I love her, more than a friend, but if she's not ready for the relationship, then it's okay.
I give her the time she needs.
She deserves everything.

Ever if we won't get back together, I'm happy and proud to be her best friend again.
It's not the same as her boyfriend, but still.

When she ever comes near to me, I wanna kiss her so bad.
I miss it to havre her for only me.

If she gets another boyfriend, who is not me,
I'm gonna be hurt but still happy for her.
I just want her to be happy, and if she is, so am I.

I love you so..

-Yn pov-

...Please let me go...

The thought isn't going away.
I want him, but at the same time I can't,
What if it happens again, what if I'm a bad girlfriend.

I mean Lio and Alice like me, I'm their sister,
I could ask them of I good enough.

Ugh I hate if I overthink or overreact.

That's my red flags.

Sometimes it's a good thing tho.
Mostly a bad one...

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