Part Six- Dizzy

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After what felt like days of rapid healing (more like one) Caitlyn's legs were once again usable and my body no longer ached like I was about to fall apart. The Fire Light medic -whose name we had learned was Momo- had somehow managed to whip up a disgusting yet effective tonic that mended our bodies at an impossible speed. I didn't ask questions and just forced the horrid-tasting liquid down my throat, amused when Caitlyn almost puked hers onto the floor.

"Ok. So," Momo said, her hands quickly and efficiently replacing the bandages on my arms and Caitlyn's legs. Her golden eyes darted alertly between us as she stepped back and folded her arms over her chest. "I know you two are planning on going back into the fray, and as much as I wish I could hold you here for another few days to let your bodies adjust to the medicine, I also know you're apparently both very hard-headed and probably won't listen to me."

I was too tired to argue, and all Caitlyn could muster up was an offended jaw drop as her noble blood kicked in for a moment. I snickered. She scowled at me.

"If you two are done flirting now, I can keep talking."

My face flushed bright red, and I mumbled an apology.

Momo laughed under her breath and handed us both another two vials of the repulsive tonic, and I swear I saw Caitlyn's soul wither away as she grabbed hers. "I know they're disgusting, but you both might've died from your injuries in the long run without them, so..." She shook her head, leaning against the wall. "You'll take one in an hour or so, and the second tomorrow morning before you leave. Understood?"

I simply nodded silently, not bothering to fight her even as she talked to us like we were children. Ekko would have a fit if we did. Caitlyn wisely followed suit, her nose wrinkling in distaste.

Momo ushered us out of the cabin once she seemed convinced we would follow orders, and I looped Caitlyn's arm over my shoulder to help her limp out into the open- though I doubted she needed it, but I wasn't going to pass up a chance to be close to her.

It was still relatively early in the morning, with only a few of the older Fire Lights out and about, but Ekko spotted us from where he stood by the mural of the fallen and headed our way.

His smirk was coated in relief as he looked us over, stance shifting to come closer and wrap us both in a hug. Caitlyn and I both tensed in shock at him pulling an enforcer into the embrace, but to my surprise she draped her free arm around his strong shoulders and hugged him back. Again, I didn't question and simply indulged in the warmth. I felt safe.

Ekko stepped away and cleared his throat, his face bashful. "I'm glad you two are feeling better now."

I grinned at his sentiment and punched his bare shoulder softly. "You're gettin' soft, Little Man." I then paused as he did his best to glower, my hand moving to squeeze his bicep. I let out a low whistle. "Really got the gains goin' for you there, don't ya dude?"

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