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Years went by as I finally found my place in the world. Soon most on the streets of London called me the hell raiser.

No one messed with me.

Leah and Adam taught me some defence when I first joined the group, but soon they found that I had a natural talent for it and I became one of the best fighters of the group.
This talent led me to my now little sister. Lizzie.

It had been a long day, the sun had been burning brightly all day, which was good for us. More people were generous and gave us a penny or two. The crowds were bigger, making it easy to slip away after stealing a wallet. People went out for food and left unfinished meals scattered across benches. It was the perfect day for someone with no money.

As the day drew to an end I started wondering back with a new recruit, who I had been training, before suddenly, a scene broke out before us.
A girl shrieked and cried as a booming, threatening voice echoed from down an alley. I halted in my steps. The man had a tight hold on her arm, shaking her roughly back and forth as his face loomed threateningly close to hers.
"Oi! What d'ya think your doin'!? Get your 'ands off 'er now!" I yelled as I walked closer to the child. Putting myself between her and the man.
Silence filled the air for a moment as the shock of being caught finally gave in to anger.
"None of your business, Boy. But If you must know, this freak is causing more trouble. Again! I've had it up to here with her nonsense. It's time she learnt how lucky she is" the man spat at me, waving his finger at the girl; I stood calmly in front of her, letting her hide more behind me as she whimpered in fear. I took a few deep breaths, raised my self to my full height and asked the man again in a deathly calm voice, " I ask again, sir, what do you think your doing?"
Something must have clicked in the man's brain as the colour slowly drained from his face as he realised who exactly he was messing with.
Stumbling for words he finally decided to run. Yelling over his shoulder that the girl was not to follow. Standing there I watched as he disappeared into the distance leaving behind a young, scared, girl sobbing, heartbroken .

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