|•~{Chapter Sixty one}~•|

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"I'll be there with you. Don't worry. I promise you, nothing will go wrong, okay?" I heard eonnie as she held my hand in hers, gently squeezing it before smiling admiringly at me.

We were standing in front of the hospital where Mrs. Lee was admitted.

"Let's go." She spoke before pulling me inside with her.

We walked straight to room 207 as the doctor had told us. It was Mrs. Lee's room.

I took small steps toward the room as I was a little hesitant and nervous.

Eonnie must be mistaken when she heard Mrs. Lee said she wanted to see us. Especially me.

She hates me.

"I don't want these." we heard a weak voice outside the room as eonnie looked inside the room through the door.

"She's awake. Let's go." I heard eonnie as I took a deep breathe before nodding my head.

Will she tell me how much she hate me again?

"Mrs. Lee" Eonnie spoke first as I nervously stood aside eonnie.

She averted her gaze to us as the nurse beside her sighed, "Mam. Can you please tell the patient to cooperate if you know her? We need to give her these medicines but she is denying on taking these."

"Sit with me." We heard her small voice as eonnie smiled, walking beside her and sat on the chair, meanwhile I took small steps toward the chair as well.

It was a little surprising to see her looking at me. She wasn't looking angry. Rather she looked very sad.

"Sit here y/n ah." She spoke, patting on the empty side of her bed.

I smiled awkwardly and sat there as she looked at the nurse.

"Give me those medicines." She spoke as the nurse smiled, nodding her head.

Handing her the medicines and a glass of water, the nurse smiled at us.

Mrs. Lee quickly took the medicines and drank the water before handing the empty glass to the nurse making her to walk out.

"How are you both?" She asked us smiling a little at us as her eyes were a little teary.

"We're good Mrs. Lee" I smiled a little as she smiled back.

Though her smile represented sadness. Why isn't she happy?

"You won't even call me eomma anymore?" She bite her lower lip, looking away from us as she wiped away her tears and looked back at us, smiling a little, "oh well It's not like I have ever behaved like a mother."

"It's not like that....m-mother...." I spoke shakily, "W-we thought you didn't want us t-"

"It's okay. I don't deserve your explanation" She smiled sadly, "Can I hold your hands?" She asked as we nodded our heads.

She looked extremely weak.

Nothing like the woman I knew.

"Oh wait." She gasped, taking her hands out of ours, "You have a little soul coming into your life." She smiled beautifully before looking at eonnie as she held both of her hands making eonnie to smile warmly at her.

"Your baby bump looks bigger. How many month is the baby now?" She questioned in a motherly tone as I felt a little confused at her behavior.

"Five months, eomma." She answered as Mrs. Lee nodded.

"I'm happy for you, y/s/n" She smiled before turning to me, "when are you and jungkook planning a baby now?" she questioned as I smiled shyly.

"We haven't really talked about it, yet" I said in a small voice as she smiled, nodding her head.

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