movie nights; stephen meeks

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requested by fae707

Movie nights had become a frequent thing, where Stephen & y/n went into down in his moms car to watch a movie. They had a hard time picking which movies to watch though, Stephen preferred the ones with subtitles and y/n just went off the ones that had the most appealing names. Stephen would tell them reading grows your mindset.

And y/n would usually say yeah, but doesn't this one look so cool?

"Besides Stephen, I think Sleeping Beauty would be a good watch. It's Disney, they don't ever go wrong with movies."

"If I say fine will you buy our popcorn?" Stephen sighed as he looked at the little pamphlet promoting the movie. Y/n tsked teasingly before agreeing, "Sure. I could do that, if you give me a 5."

Stephen laughed through his nose shortly and gave y/n a quick kiss on the cheek. "But next time we're watching something I want to."

"Whatever," y/n cheesed before he walked off to get their tickets. Truth is, y/n had already watch it, they just liked seeing how red Stephens ears could get from embarrassment.

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