Chapter 8 - No Matter What

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Author notes: Firstly I wanted to quickly apologise for such a long delay in updates I am planning on updating this once a week I do have a timeline of when I want it to end and HOW I want it to end I just hope your ready because you might need some tissues it won't all be plain sailing.

Secondly who is your favourite character so far mine has to be Cathy I love writing her parts she's such a good Mum, the reason for writing Cathy as I have is because Liam's dad is a dead beat so I needed to make up for it I felt with at least one good parent.

The wailing sirens tore through the air, piercing the calm of the neighbourhood as the ambulance screeched to a halt. Liam's heart pounded against his ribcage like a relentless drumbeat, his vision blurred by the tears that welled in his eyes. This couldn't be happening. Not to Jake. Not to his best friend.

As the paramedics leaped out, Liam's mind raced with a flurry of regrets. Did he regret their argument earlier? Every single word. But what good were regrets now, when Jake lay on the ground, injured and vulnerable?

In that moment, Liam despised himself. He loathed the façade he had to maintain, the lies he had to tell to protect himself from his father's wrath. But more than anything, he hated the fact that he had failed Jake – his confidant, his partner-in-crime. The weight of guilt pressed heavily upon him, suffocating him with every breath.

With a sickening lurch in his stomach, Liam watched as the ambulance doors closed, swallowing Jake from sight. A surge of desperation coursed through him, urging him to sprint after the vehicle, to scream his apologies into the night sky. But he remained rooted to the spot, paralyzed by his own inadequacy and fear.


The acrid scent of bleach assaulted Liam's senses as he pushed open the hospital doors, his stomach churning with nerves. Each step forward felt like an eternity, his palms slick with sweat, his body trembling with adrenaline. He kept his eyes closed, hoping to block out the overwhelming anxiety that threatened to consume him. With a cautious glance around, he waited until the receptionist was preoccupied before slipping past and navigating the maze of wards.

Spotting Jake's name on a private room, Liam quickened his pace, his heart pounding in his chest. The room loomed before him, a sombre sanctuary bathed in dim light. The heart monitor emitted a haunting rhythm, its echo reverberating through the silence. Jake lay still, engulfed by the sterile surroundings, tubes snaking from his body like lifelines. Liam's breath caught in his throat at the sight of his friend's battered form, a stark reminder of mortality.

With a creak, Liam pulled out the plastic chair beside the bed, the screech of its legs against the linoleum breaking the eerie stillness. For a moment, he simply listened, the soft cadence of Jake's breathing a fragile melody in the hushed room. But the tranquillity was shattered by the incessant buzzing of the flickering bulb overhead, casting distorted shadows across the walls.

As Liam settled into the chair, the chill of the room seeped into his bones, matching the coldness in his heart. He struggled to find the right words, his throat constricted with emotion. "So, I was just heading down to the park..." His voice trailed off, a weak attempt at levity in the face of despair. Tears pricked at his eyes, his laughter tinged with bitterness. "You're such a cunt, you know that? Scaring the shit out of me like this."

With a heavy sigh, Liam reached out, grasping Jake's hand in his own, the touch tentative yet comforting. "I'm sorry," he whispered, the words heavy with remorse. "I'm sorry for everything."

For a moment, the room seemed to hold its breath, suspended in time. Then, as the door creaked open, Liam withdrew his hand, his gaze fixed on the floor. He braced himself for the confrontation he knew was coming, the weight of guilt bearing down on him like a vice.

Cathy's presence filled the room, her expression a mixture of concern and disappointment. Liam's heart sank as she spoke, her words a sobering reminder of his own failings. He wanted to defend himself, to explain the complexities of his situation, but the truth lay heavy on his tongue.

With a final glance at Jake, Liam rose from his chair, his steps faltering as he faced Cathy. "I'll see you later," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the silence. Then, without another word, he fled, his footsteps echoing down the corridor as he sought solace in the anonymity of the night.


As Liam wandered aimlessly through the dimly lit alleyway, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of emotions, he found himself fixated on a weathered brick wall looming before him. Without a second thought, he unleashed his pent-up frustration, his clenched fist colliding with the unforgiving surface. The impact sent a jolt of pain coursing through his arm, but it was a welcomed sensation amidst the turmoil raging within him. He struck the wall again and again, each blow a release of the anguish that had been festering deep within his soul.

"This is for you!" Liam's voice echoed through the desolate alleyway, raw with emotion. His breath came in ragged gasps as he unleashed his fury upon the unyielding bricks. Blood mingled with sweat, painting a macabre tableau upon the once pristine surface. With each strike, he felt a cathartic release, the physical pain a temporary reprieve from the torment gnawing at his heart.

As he traced the crimson streaks staining the wall, a wave of desolation washed over him. Tears welled in his eyes, a silent testament to the agony that consumed him. Collapsing against the opposite wall, he allowed himself to be engulfed by the darkness, his sobs echoing in the empty expanse.

After what felt like an eternity of solitude, Liam finally found the strength to rise from the cold, unforgiving ground. With a heavy heart, he trudged homeward, the weight of his sorrow bearing down upon him like an oppressive shroud. The park offered a fleeting respite, a fleeting glimpse of freedom amidst the suffocating confines of his reality.

As he gazed skyward, watching the birds soar effortlessly overhead, a pang of envy pierced his soul. How he longed to shed the burdens of his existence, to escape the shackles of his own insecurities and fears. For a fleeting moment, he yearned to be one with the birds, to transcend the limitations of his mortal coil and soar above the chaos below.

But reality beckoned, pulling him back into its unforgiving embrace. With a heavy heart, he trudged onward, the weight of his burdens dragging him down with each weary step. As he crossed the threshold of his dismal flat, the flickering light above served as a grim reminder of the darkness that pervaded his life.

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