Chapter 11: I Guess This Is It

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For two days, I'd put off telling Levi the news, but I knew I needed to tell him that my house had sold. But every time I thought about telling him, every time I thought about what it would mean for us, I found an excuse to wait.

"When did it sell?" He stood, rubbing a hand along the back of his neck before turning to look at me.

"Two days ago. I close in two weeks."

I could see him visibly tense. "And after that? Are you staying Genny?"

"Levi --"

"Simple question, Genny. Are you staying?"

I couldn't stop the tears that suddenly had to make themselves known. "No, Levi. I'm so sorry."

"But why? We've been spending all this time together --"

"Believe me when I say I wish I could stay. But, Levi, even though you've been here with me every night, you admitted that it's been unusually quiet for the club. I understand how you feel about Rampage, I do, but I still believe if Beard really needed you to do something, you'd still do it, even if it meant hurting me. I'm sorry. You destroyed me before --"

"Genny, I promised you that I'd never do that again. I give you my word."

"I want to believe you, Levi. But I think about what I went through, I think about your loyalty to the Rampage, and I feel like I would always be second, if it came down to it. If your club called and asked you to do something it desperately needed done, you'd answer that call because that's your family."

"You're my family, too, Genny. You have top spot in my heart, I swear it to you. There's always going to be club business, but I can promise you that if it directly concerns you, I will tell you. No more shady undercover shit where I hurt our relationship. I won't ever put us at risk again."

"Levi, I don't trust the pull the club has on you. If they needed you, I know you. You'd go running."

"Not if it would hurt you."

"You did before, without a second thought. The club needed you, and I was just collateral damage."

"And I admitted I was wrong and would never ever do that again."

By this time, I could barely talk and didn't even bother trying to wipe the tears away.

"Genny, please don't do this. I'm begging you, don't give up on me."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Levi. I can't."

For a few minutes, he didn't say anything, just stared at me sadly, then he wrapped those strong arms around me and held me while I sobbed against his chest. After what seemed like hours, I calmed down and he gently set me back from him, wiping my tears away with his hands. 

"Well, I guess this is it then," he said quietly, thoughtfully, looking down at the ground. He cupped my cheek then bent down and pressed a soft, gentle kiss to my lips. "I can't imagine living in a world without you, Genny."

Levi held my eyes with his for a few more moments, and then, without saying another word, he said good-bye. 

The Rampage MC #1: Levi/Chain and GennyWhere stories live. Discover now