Chapter Eleven: Defaced Memories

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          Still not convinced that he wasn't losing his marbles, Ryder rushed towards the cafeteria to see if anyone in there saw the fireworks, too. To his relief, it was empty besides Chris. Chris was seated at a table, Conan's daughter, Bella, on the other side. Bella looked just like her father, her hair a dirty blonde color, tied back in braided pigtails. On their table was Bella's lunchbox, a couple cotton balls, and a bottle of nail polish. Ryder approached them hurriedly. Bella had sprung out of her seat and dashed over to the giant glass windows inside the cafeteria by the time Ryder opened the doors. Ryder pitied her, having to grow up like this. She was no older than six. It was heartbreaking for everyone to have to hide it from her, she was too young to understand how things were now.

      While everyone was panicking and freaking out over the fireworks, Bella thought they were stunning. And Chris? Chris just didn't give a shit. It wasn't his problem.

      Ryder stopped beside their table and dropped the clipboard down on it. He looked down at Chris with wide eyes and a furrowed brow. Chris glanced up over his shades to meet his gaze and he scoffed.

   "Dude, you look like friggin hell," Chris remarked with a smirk forming on his face. Ryder looked about ready to punch him. Chris' smirk dissipated, so he turned away to look over at Bella. He then cocked his eyebrows, returned to facing Ryder, then held up the backs of his hands to show off his sloppy, aqua colored nails. "Bella did my nails! She insisted on it."

   "You see them too, right?" Ryder croaked out.

      Chris immediately froze and pursed his lips. "The fireworks or the colors?"

   "The fireworks, Chris!" Ryder rose his voice in a panic. "The fireworks... Wait, colors?"

   "Nevermind," Chris shook his head. "Yeah, of course I see the fireworks. They're very lovely. Huh, Bella?" He called over to her.

   "Yeah! Come look!" Bella turned her head and beckoned them over.

   "In a moment," Ryder replied, giving her a nod before glaring back down at Chris.

      Chris looked up and met his gaze. "What? What's your problem?"

   "Forget it," Ryder hissed, then began to pull his arms out of the sleeves of his white overcoat, folding it nicely before setting it on the table. He rolled up the sleeves to his dress shirt and loosened his tie. "It's warm in here, is it always this warm in here?" Ryder asked.

   "Oh all the time," Chris nodded. "But that's because I'm always in here."

      Ryder rolled his eyes and flicked Chris on the temple with his middle finger. Chris flinched and retracted. "Ow. Douche."

      Bella got impatient and she padded over to them, grabbing Ryder by his wrist above his watch and trying to drag him along, though only his arm really tugged. "Come see! Come see!" She chanted excitedly.

      "Yes, yes, we're on our way," Ryder tried to match her excited tone, but it sounded more sarcastic than he wanted. But it was genuine to Bella. She didn't let up and kept trying to pull him away.

      Chris yawned and rose to his feet, pulling his arms above his head to stretch. He then moved his hands to his back and puffed his chest out in an attempt to crack his back. Ryder caved in and went along with Bella to the large windows. She pointed at them and giggled. "They're pretty! Is it 1st of July?"

   "You mean 4th of July?" Ryder asked. "Yes, it is."

      He needed her to believe anything other than the reality that the fireworks could be a threat. He didn't want to believe it himself, either, but no one accidentally sets off fireworks. Not in times like this. Especially not this many fireworks. All of them had to have been set off, at least all the ones that were there.

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