Chapter 23

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                              Brittney's POV
At night when I was ready for bed I laid down. When T.K walked into our room he looked tired.

"Hey baby. You okay?"


He yawned.

"I just got really tired all of a sudden."

He got ready for bed then laid down.

"If you hear yelling tomorrow it's because I'm starting to train my sisters."

"Alright. Night. Love you."

"Love you too."

We both fell asleep.

                                T.K's POV
When I woke up the first thing I did was get ready. Then I went to wake up my sisters. I knocked on Kayleigh's door first.

"Wake up! Meet me in the backyard in 5!"

I went to Marisol's room and did the same thing. I went outside and waited for them.

"Are the boys joining?"

"Tom is."

"Jaden too."

"Okay. Let's get started while we wait. Start stretching like you'd do in gym class."

When the boys got to my house I had them do the same thing.

"Holy shit man! You're jacked! I didn't notice yesterday!"

"It's what happens when you go through alpha training."

"You're the alpha?!"

"Of this pack? No. I used to be the alpha of a different pack with my brother."

"Two alphas?!"

"Yeah long story. My brother was a dick. Anyway. Run 10 laps. Whoever finishes first gets a 5 minute break."

They started running. I noticed giggling that sounded familiar.

Why is Cloud out here?

When he got to me I stopped him.

"Hi pup! Why are you out here? Does mommy know where you are?"

"Yes I do! He wanted to watch you."

"But he's not supposed to run with them."

"Aw come on baby. Let him have fun."

"Okay. Okay."



Thomas was the first one back. I threw a water bottle at him and he didn't catch it. It landed on his foot. He yelled and Cloud laughed. The other three came back and I gave them water. Cloud was trying her best to copy what I had everyone doing. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Pup you're a bit too young for this."

A few weeks later while the girls weren't home Tom came by.

"Hey man. Leigh's not here."

"I-I know. I kind of came to talk to you."

I let him inside. I could tell he was nervous. I crossed my arms.

"What's up?"

" see...holy shit I can't do this!"

He went to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

"Just come out and say it."

"I-I love your sister."

"Okay what else?"

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