Part 33--Welcome To The Family

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The waves tossed underneath me, and the winds Auraea harnessed were beating on me from all sides—but every time, I felt a warm surge coursing through my body, radiating from my wrist. Trikymios churned up the sea, and near the edge of Fourtouna I could see what was left of the dock, and the short white boat bobbing in the choppy sea, containing my last few friends. I spread my fingers and made a smoothing motion with my hand. The water responded, receding and stilling next to the island. I saw someone poke their head out of the small door to the cabin, but I was too far away to distinguish their features.

"Well?" Phony-Tony's voice railed against me, drawing my attention back to him. He had brought Tony off the pole, and now held him suspended in midair—along with a few trees and boulders. "I'm waiting!" He flung one of the boulders at me, and I dodged without losing any altitude.

I made a sweeping motion with my hand, and called up both a gust of wind and a massive wave at the same time. The elements followed my gestures, rolling up onto the cliff and smacking into Tony/Egamad.

"Honestly, you shouldn't have picked a friend like Tony for your vessel," I said to the demon. "You probably thought that I'll go easy on you to avoid hurting him." I pulled a cluster of rain drops together inside a funnel cloud, aiming right for Tony's chest. "But the truth is, you are the one who wants him in one piece, because without him you have no choice but to use your physical form, and I care about him enough to want to get you out of him by any means possible."

Tony's hands faltered and dropped as he couldn't maintain the telekinesis under the pressure from both water and air.

I smiled. It was like pushing my hands into a soft, fluffy pillow. "Good luck finding something to hold onto!" I said, pushing up with a wave from underneath us.

The cliff gave a colossal groan and sheared away—driving him right into the path of the tornado. I pulled it closer, drawing Tony/Egamad into the frenzy. His limbs flailed loosely as his body whipped around and around.

I hovered in closer, completely unaffected by the awesome forces of nature firmly under my control. I reached out and grabbed Tony/Egamad with a whirlpool of my own, anchoring him within a spinning a wall of water. I pulled him toward me, seeing the bruises on Tony's skin, feeling each twisted limb through the water, and the malice in his eyes that I matched with my own.

My jaw clenched and I could barely form the words. "Get. Out. Of. Him."

Tony/Egamad scowled. "No!"

I tilted Tony's body back so that the spray scraped along the back of his head. It was probably sharp enough to draw blood, or even scuff off some hair. He howled in pain that I knew the demon wasn't feeling just now. I let up on the pressure and let him face me again. "Do it!" I commanded.

Tony's body was dripping wet, but Egamad still had the audacity to spit in my general direction. "You might as well kill your friend, because that's the only way you're getting me out of here."

I didn't doubt he was prepared to force me to do just that. I hesitated, staring straight at Tony's eyes, trying to see past the demon, see the guy I knew trapped inside—


Tony's voice, clear and healthy, reached my ears, but on the inside, like imagining my own thoughts.

"Tony?" I gasped.

Egamad sneered. "Sorry, he's unavailable!"

Pris, I don't know what's happening, but I can hear you. I can't see you, and I feel like I'm stuck in a waterfall somewhere.
I thought my reply. Can you hear this?

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