Hiding Batman From Lois

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(Kent Farm)

Clark: "Maybe we should get you..out of that before we go anywhere."

Batman: "Why?"

Clark: "Because you'll stick out like a..do I really need to explain this?"

Batman: "Bruce Wayne's the prince of Gotham..., he'd have to go a thousand miles... to meet someone who didn't know his...oh."

Clark: "I'm pretty sure you've driven further than that by now. Not that I'd know I've never been to Gotham before."

Batman: "Believe me, you're better off for it."

Clark: "I thought you cared about your city."

Batman: "..Exactly. I care more strongly than anyone."

Clark: "Then why..?"

Batman: "Later. We gotta track down Mr Earle and bring him to Justice."

Clark: "Okay, fine. But are the ears and the..cape...really necessary?"

Batman: "Yes. I was trained for seven years..to do what is necessary."

Clark: "I..never mind."

(Lois pulled up to the farm in her car)

Lois: "Smallville! Anybody home?"

(Clark was startled and knocked over his orange juice, Batman caught it)

Batman: "Who's that?"

Clark: "Hide. Now."

Batman: "Why?"

Clark: "Please!"

(He turned to check the window and saw Lois step onto the porch, he turned back to Batman but...he wasn't there)

(Clark looked around and saw no sign of him, and he had no time to x-ray the house before..)

(Lois entered a moment later, Clark attempted a casual expression while leaning on the sink)

Lois: "There you are. You wouldn't believe what happened to me a few nights ago."

Clark: "Uh L..Lois why don't we have this conversation outside? O..or in the barn?"

(He nodded awkwardly mostly to himself)

Lois: "..wow. Trying to get rid of me already, are ya?"

(She crossed her arms, maintaining a playful expression)

Clark: "W..well no..it's just..n..not the greatest time..uh..today. It's the uh.."

(He saw the reflection of the orange juice jug in the living room, faintly in the dark, being shown for his benefit)

Clark: "..cows! The cows they need their uh..."

Lois: "Say no more. I totally get it. But I thought you still wanted to talk to me..just..not in the house...?"

Clark: "...right. Yes the house. Is...uh..."

Batman: "I'm Batman!" (Pops out of the shadows)

(Lois screams)

Smallville/The Dark Knight (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now