16. Masterpiece

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A/N: Thank you so much for your votes and comments on the last chapter! They really meant a lot ❤

January 2020


Mystery Coronavirus from China: What to Know (WebMD)

Michael Mina said the development of a rapid test for the new coronavirus makes him hopeful that the outbreak can be contained. "This has probably been the fastest response to date of any epidemic," he said.

That was article I was reading while I sat at a coffee shop on the corner street right across from the hospital. My overnight shift was about to start in a couple of hours, but before that there was something I had been meaning to do for a while. My plans though had been thwarted every time by the busy life of senior residents

"Hey Madi, sorry for being late." A woman's voice called out. 

I looked up to see my smiling friend with a large latte in her hand, "No worries at all, Noor. Honestly, I should thank you for taking the time out to meet. How do even manage to get out of the house with a baby at home?"

"Don't ask," she sighed and removed her heavy winter coat before taking a seat across from me. 

"Thankfully Mama is visiting, so I was able to slip away. But between the time I have to make up at work because of my maternity leave and Salman's intense schedule we're literally living hour to hour right now."

I shook my head, "That just sounds crazy. Though, I am sure you wouldn't change it for anything else."

She smiled in a way only a mother would, "No I wouldn't. I love every minute of my life too."

We chatted a bit about the paradox of motherhood, and then gleefully watched videos of Ayah on Noor's phone, as well as the million pictures she seemed to have taken. It wasn't till we exhausted all parenting related topics that Noor took a sip of her coffee and gave me a knowing look. Instantly, I realized that Salman had done the exact thing I had explicitly warned him not to do – he had revealed the words I had accidentally uttered in front of him.

"Speaking of kids, I heard Omar taking care of Ayah made you reveal some truths last month."

"That husband of yours is such a tattle tale," I huffed. 

"Don't worry he only told me. But we are both waiting for you to tell Omar yourself," she laughed, just like her husband. 

What is it with these couples in love that start to behave like each other, I wondered. 

Though, I should have been glad she brought this up herself. I wouldn't ever admit this to anyone, but the reason I wanted to meet her was to - well, get her perspective. 

Neither, would I ever accept how much that episode in the hospital foyer had unnerved me. Or the relief I felt when Omar vehemently shook his head and insisted he would never agree to marrying Fatima - the architect. But the relief was short-lived as it dawned on me that Omar was exactly the kind of guy women fell in love with in real life. 

Handsome, tall, dark hair, infectious smile, kind-hearted, generous, polite. That list could go on and on. And so could the list of women he could be paired up with in life. Women who looked like the one sitting in front of me, several shades fairer with thick straight hair and pretty almond shaped eyes. 

Mending Broken Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें