Alice's Interlude

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 Carlisle thought Eleonor might be like Bella, immune to Edward's mind reading and required a lot of effort on my part to see her future. But Eleonor was different, I couldn't see anything about her anymore. When she arrived I could get some small visions or ideas, but those were all but gone now. And none of us knew what that meant.

But right now, that was the least of our problems. Eleonor had somehow known Bella had been attacked, and she was freaking out. I looked at Jazz, who nodded and took out his phone.

"Hey, how about we sit down, okay?" I slowly led Eleonor by the arm to a nearby bench. It was a bit wet from the rain, but it would have to do. She nodded, and grasped my hand. Her heartbeat was erratic, we needed to calm her down before she had a full on panic attack. "Tell me what happened"

"Bella-she went to a bookstore, but that was hours ago. And I had a hallucination right? And she was being chased by these guys and-" she went on about what she'd seen. I had to keep my face neutral, she couldn't know that what she'd seen was real. Not before we had any useful answers for her, she already knew too much as it is.

"Everything's okay, we just saw Bella" I reassured. "We left her with Edward!" I needed to be convincing.

"You did?-but I- I called her so many times!"

"Her phone must've died, don't worry"

She nodded, seemingly calming down. But she still held my hand tightly, trying to keep herself grounded. Calm.

I wish we could tell her.

You're not crazy!

Your visions are real!

I think...

But the truth was, we probably knew as much as she did. Something supernatural triggered her vision, but we didn't know what or why. She wasn't clairvoyant, she didn't see Bella being attacked before it happened, if anything she saw it as it happened or soon after. She couldn't read minds like Edward, that was a possibility, but what she saw wasn't exactly like what he was imagining. Jazz thinks she's an empath like him, but he doesn't see things like she does.

So we can't tell her about this. It would only make things worse for her.

"Here" Jazz held out his phone for her, "Its Bella" She looked at it for a moment, and then him. He smiled and nodded at her. And she took it.

"Bella?" Her voice was soft, broken. The same as after the accident.

-Elle? Oh my god! I'm so sorry! my phone died and i couldn't find my way back-

Bella continued, explaining that she got lost and that we found her. Probably leaving out the almost attack because of Jasper's interference. As she listened to her friend's voice on the other end, Eleonor visibly relaxed. Her shoulders were no longer tense and her heartbeat was slowing. Good.

She'd explained, briefly, that she could handle visions relatively well. So long as she could tell the difference between it and reality. But not being able to tell if Bella was alright for this long, it must've been killing her.

After her conversation with Bella, Eleonor was a bit rattled, but alright. But now it's quiet. A game of chicken to see who would admit they knew first.

Bella knew, I'd seen as much. She'd figured us out on Saturday. And even though I hadn't seen Eleonor find out, her actions in the last two days spoke for themselves.

She broke the silence first. Much to Jazz and I's relief.

"Your hands are really cold" she was hesitant, she wouldn't meet our eyes anymore. Like she'd just remembered why she'd been avoiding us the last two days. "Why is that?"

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