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They were sitting outside the ICU waiting for the doctor to come outside. Every passing minute was so hard for Ian. After sometime the doctor came .

"How is she doctor? What happened to her? " Ian asked him.

"you are her...... Doctor inquired.

" Brother..,. I am her brother. I am Ian Knight. " He told him.

"Are you...the son of Alex Knight"? He asked.

" Yes doctor... Now please tell me how is Emma?" he was eager to know.

"Look Ian.. She has major blood loss. We are doing tests to know if there is any internal injuries. We can't tell you anything right now. " He said with a serious face.

"There is one more problem " He said while he took off his glasses.

"What is it doctor, tell me". Ian asked getting worried.

" Actually it's her blood group....O+. Right now we are out of stock and due to heavy rain outside it is taking time to arrange from blood bank. But you are her brother I am sure your blood group will match her. " He explained.

Listening this Ian became silent for a moment......."No doctor I have a different blood group. "He said in embarrassment.

"Ok,where are your parents I am sure one of them will be a match". Doctor asked.

"Doctor they are out of country." Ian said in worry.

Listening this doctor started thinking something. Naina who was listening there conversation, understood the situation so she decided to go and talk to them.

"Doctor my blood group is O+. I would like to donate". She said looking at Ian .

"Oh that's great. Please come with me." He said and Naina left with her.

Ian was standing there speechless and was watching her leaving with doctor. She was helping him in this critical situation and he didn't utter a single word to her.
After few hours doctor came and informed him that blood has been transplanted and Emma was out of danger now.

Listening these words Ian couldn't control himself and tears of happiness started flowing from his eyes. He thanked the doctor and God for saving his little sister.

"Thank you doctor, Thank you very much...can I meet Emma? "He said with teary eyes.

"No, right now she is still in ICU but we will shift her in room in the morning.You have to wait until then. And don't thank me Ian. Thank your friend. It's because of her your sister is out of danger". He said tapping on his shoulder.

"Oh yes, where is she?" He asked while wiping his tears.

Doctor told him the room number and he went there. He saw her laying on the bed. She was resting but as soon as she saw him she got up. Ian went to her running and asked her to lay down as she must be feeling weakness. But she said she was fine. So he placed a pillow behind her back and she rested on it.

"Ian... How is Emma now?" She asked looking into his eyes.

" Thank you Naina." He said while holding her hands.

"Just because of you my sister is fine now. You helped me in this situation. I am so grateful to you. I don't know how to thank you. I was feeling alone. My parents are not here. They gave Emma's responsibility to me before leaving and see what happened. If something had happened to her what would've l tell them." Saying this he became silent. He was feeling so heavy hearted that tears started to fell from his eyes.

"Hey Ian..... Please don't be sad . Everything is fine now. Emma is fine. Just thank God, he is so merciful. He always helps his children." She said while wiping his tears.

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