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Chicago, IL

"Brooklyn, this goin be hard you got to sit down" she said making me shake my head no fastly staring to have an Panic attack

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"Brooklyn, this goin be hard you got to sit down" she said making me shake my head no fastly staring to have an Panic attack

"No, no, no, India" I looked at the picture then to the right of it I seen a news article saying a newborn baby was taken out the hospital

"India plzz don't tell me that's me" I put my hand over my chest feeling tears run down my face

"Before I say it's you, do you have an birth mark on your left foot on the hill" she said making me break down

Her mom was still on the ground screaming as i was now standing there confused, hurt, sad, mad, I just felt every emotion in the book

"When you was born you had complications with eating, keeping your weight up so you had to stay in the hospital, u was there for 3 months everyday me and mom would come see you, everyday we seen you for 3 months and the day we was supposed to take you home, the doctors called saying someone took you from out the hospital, from that day on we spent 19 years looking for you Brooklyn, I kept thinking everybody I seen was you until that first day I really seen you, I went home and kept telling durk how we looked so much alike I couldn't sleep that night I was most certainly that was you but I gave my hopes up many times thinking girls was you and they wasn't so I didn't press you, the more I hung around you the more I felt this feeling like god was trying to tell me something and the whole time I'm staring my baby sister in her eyes, for 19 years mom and dad has been looking for you Chloe Olivia Cox that's you name" she said making me cry hard I was so confused I was mad at the fact my foster mom lied to me, took me from my real family and made me live a shitty ass life

She was treating me bad the whole time, and all I could wonder and ask myself rn is why did she take me to treat me like shit, why did she take me from a good place, to living in a shitty ass apartment thats had roaches and rats

Why did she do this, I was so confused

Getting knocked out my thoughts I felt someone hug me I looked down seeing it was my mother crying her eyes out on my chest

"I never stopped looking for you baby, I never did, I'm so sorry that you had to grow up horribly, we was most certainly we was going to give you the world until you was ripped away from us, my baby Chloe" she said moving my hair out my face admiring me

India came standing next to me

"We have pictures of you up until you was 3 months" she said handing a book to me seeing all pictures of me in an incubator tubes down me and I was so small

Up until the day before I supposed to go home I didn't have anymore tubes down me and I was starting to get chunky

"You was getting fat right there" india pointed laughing

I laughed still having tears run down my eyes

"So where is the lady who took you, she need to be im jail" my mom said wiping her eyes

"I don't know she left a couple months ago and never came back" I said shrugged putting the photo book down wiping my tears

"A damn shame she need to go to jail" india said

"Can we just forget about here? She's not here nomore I don't want too much attention" I frowned

"But baby people still are going to think your missing" mom said

"I bet they don't even remember me, how many people still was with y'all looking for me after 19 years" I said

"Nobody just us two" india said

"Exactly they don't care it's sad the first week for then but for the family it's a life time, they don't care so leave it be Plz"

"Ok Chloe"

"Can I be called Brooklyn I'm not really use to chloe?" I asked

"But your name is chloe baby" mom chuckled

"I'm just not use to it maybe a lil later" I shrugged

"Okay that's fine" she gave a tight lip smile

As I started to look at her we all
Looked like triples she didn't look no older then 26 she looked like she could be our sister

"Your very beautiful" I said smiled at her

"No baby that all you my genes are strong, glad y'all didn't look like his ugly ass" mama said making india laugh

"Where is he by the way"

"Walked out couple years after u was taken he said it was too much on him" she did her fingers like quotation marks

"Yes his bitc- bench butt" india eyed my mama

Making mom hit her on the arm

"Watch your damn mouth in my house girl" she yelled making me laugh

"Dang ma, it slipped" india mugged rubbing her arm

"Imma slip up your ass u let it happen" she said walking away

"Mamas be saying the most fruitiest shit bro" india said as we followed to the dining room where all the food was set up and it looked sooo god so I made me a plate and grubbed catch up with then and telling then about me


I just got back to von apartment, putting a key I had on the door walking in, I walked in closing the door locking it, then I walked to the kitchen putting his Togo plate on the counter

I walked out the kitchen to von room hearing trust issues by him and yungeen ace blasting, I walked in seeing his smoking making me smack my lips

"COME ON VON YOU KNOW I DONT LIKE WHEN U SMOKE IN HERE" I yelled so he could hear me making him turn it down

"Where u been" he eyed me hitting the blunt

"It be smelling like smoke for 3 days"

"We not talking bout that where u been and why u ain't answer your phone" he sat up

"I was at india house" I said

"No u wasn't it's almost 1am and u telling me u was eating all then hours"

"Damn youn trust me, I found out india my sister and her mom is my mom, HAPPY?" I made the "tf" face

"Dang my bad im tripping bae" he walked up to me hugging my waist

"Im not your bae"I pushed past him going to get me some night clothes to take a shower and go to sleep

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