Who you

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Amir POV:

"Where the hell is my wife, Noah" I say crashing the glass.

Piece's of it wedge into the palm of my hand but right now I am beyond livid to even care.

Mark took Zuri now my ex Wife

He wants war I'll show him war

"I don't know what your issue is man but you need to chill out. You divorced her remember so do you really blame her for going MIA"

"Mark took her" I spat out

"What do mean" he says standing up

"I've been messing up with Mark's inventory, shipments, packaging. Every little thing that leaves each country . I have been destroying"

"And your starting a war ? .....all for what some girl" he scoffs

"I love her " I shout

"What about your wife and kids man . When you were fucking her I just figured it was a one nightstand like your other girls b- " he paces

"That's the issue... she is not like other girls man and you fucking know it" I say putting a cigar in-between my lips getting ready to light it

"Fuck , Viper man you gotta forget about your wife. Mark is not someone you want on your tail" he says chugging down a glass of scotch

"Man I didn't call you for advice on shit I called you because we need to get my ex wife out of there"

"Why would I help with that " he raises his eyebrow whilst fixing his suit

"Because my good friend she knows shit about you and me . Remember Moscow" I blow a cloud of smoke into the air

"Fuck you , Moscow has nothing to do with me" he shouts back

"I guess but once someone tips off the FBI and the Russians about , I don't know seeing something or a someone with your exact height , body build and voice. It would be very easy for them to find you and lock you up"

He leaps up to come hit me but my guards hold him off

"Fucking sit down ,Noah" I bark out

"Look Noah , we're best friends we shouldn't be arguing like this . Now do what you do best and track down sector 8 . I know it's somewhere in South Africa but I need you to pin point it"

"Whatever man" he says rolling his eyes.

"Perfect your on board, would you like more scotch" I click my fingers for someone to come forward

"Yes sir" a skinny boy comes forward

"Get me and my friend a bottle of 1642 scotch "

"Yes , sir" the boy hurries off

"I should go , Amir" he says fixing his composure

"Oh come on , we are celebrating" I say opening my arms

"I can't celebrate for something I won't survive" he says standing up

He goes towards the door but the guards stop him

"No it's fine let him go" I say waving my hand in the air

"I hate the negativity but I'll let it slide"

He stops and turns slightly to glare at me and he walks out

"Here's your bottle sir"

"Thanks" pouring some into a glass

I stare into space

"The world isn't big enough for the both of us " I take a sip of my scotch

And I dial a number , if there's one person in this world who hates Mark more than me

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