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Rafe stood in silence, stunned at his actions.

"The fuck?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I mean..i've got money, a bike, a fucking mansion, and you'd rather kiss the guy who's his own dad's pincushion?"

Elle watched as he got angrier, embarrassed by her rejection. "I want to stay friends, Rafe. You seem like a good person, deep down, I mean." She replied. She didn't want to ghost him, as she was too afraid he'd get angrier. "Just please don't get mad."

"How am I supposed to not get mad. I talked to you at the Kegger when no one else was, I asked you out, tried to take you for a nice dinner, for once, and you fuckin' pull this shit?" His tone stayed monotone, raising slightly whenever he started showing his emotions.

The blonde girl crossed her arms anxiously, lifting her hand to hold onto her necklace. "You know that I have a boyfriend, Rafe. I don't feel that way about you, I feel that way about JJ." Her voice hitched as the words caught in her throat. "I never meant to lead you on. I've always felt this way about JJ."

"Whatever." He mumbled, turning to walk away. "I swear, Elle. You'll come crawling back. Wether it be 'Your to broke', 'You and JJ broke up', or 'You regret rejecting me'. You'll regret it. I love you, Elle. Just think about that." He turned to leave, walking into the large house that trailed behind them.

She stood in shock, being left alone, in the large lawn that belonged to the Cameron's. She quickly pulled her phone out to text John B, letting him know that she'd be going to JJ's.


"Hello?" She asked, walking into the house. Small stirs came from the backyard, so she quickly walked out there. When the girl noticed JJ, she smiled and walked over.

"Hey, JJ!" She said, leaning over next to the boy, who was working on a car. "JB and I escaped DCS, is it okay if I stay here a while? I cant really go back to the Chat right now—."

JJ just grunted and kept his eyes on the car. "Why don't you just stay at the Cameron's." He asked, avoiding eye contact.

The girl stood, realizing what he meant as soon as the name slipped his mouth. "How did you.."

"I came to pick you up, was gonna' take you on a date, saw you mackin' on Rafe." He replied sternly.

Elle ran her hand through her hair. "That isn't what happened, JJ." She mumbled, her voice cracking as she spoke. "You know I wouldn't do that—."

"Do I?" He stood, facing the girl who was now, breathing heavily as she tried maintaining her stability. "Cause if I remember correctly, he's always had a thing for you. Wouldn't surprise me if you returned the love, princess."

His words left his tongue with a condescending tone. He wanted to believe Elle, but part of him knew that she was too good for him. It honestly wouldn't be the biggest shocker if she wanted something better.

Elle looked hurt. "I would never do something like that to you." She remarked, her eyes starting to sting. "Rafe kissed ME. I told him off as soon as he did it!"

"Right, right." He started, rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Like how he forced you to give him your number? Like how he forced you on a date? You're a pushover. You let him do whatever he wants you to, and i'm sick of it!"

The freckled girl fumbled with her necklace. She knew that was JJ was saying was true. She was a pushover. She just wanted to please everyone, but in the end, it hurt the ones she really loved.

She wiped her eyes, now stained with tears. "I didn't want to hurt you, J. I love you. I always have."

"Bullshit." He replied, stepping closer. "You love Rafe. It isn't surprising. You deserve better, go be with him instead."

Now, Elle was starting to get frustrated. "You have no IDEA how uncomfortable I was during the kiss. I don't want to be with Rafe, he makes me feel sick, and disgusting, and...just uncomfortable. He's 20 years old JJ!"

Before JJ could reply, a noise came from behind the two of them. They turned quickly, looking over towards the strange noise.

To their surprise, Pope popped out, running towards the two like he was running for his life.

"Guys! Guys!" He called, stopping in front of them to catch his breath. "They know." He said, grabbing onto his hat.

The couple looked at each other with confusion, not able to tell what was going on.

Elle stepped closer to Pope, looking him up and down. "Who knows about what?" She asked curiously.

JJ realized immediately what Pope meant, so he walked up next to Elle, calmly. "Alright, chill, bro. Alright? They don't know shit."

Once Elle figured out that they were talking about the boat, her eyes went wide. "Fuck." She mumbled, trying to wipe the dried tears from her face. "How do you know?"

"Rafe and Topper posted outside of Heyward's and mad-dogged me!" Pope replied, pacing back and forth.

Regret struck Elle's face as she realized that her rejection, would only make things worse. It was her fault. And now her friends were in danger. "Shit." She whined, her heart pounding fast. "This is all my fault."

JJ leaned on his car and wiped his hands. "Will you both calm down and get a grip? They don't know shit."

"What do you mean 'It's your fault'?" Pope directed towards Elle, ignoring JJ's condolences.

The blonde girl tucked her hair behind her ears as she looked down. "Rafe kissed me, earlier on Figure Eight. I rejected him..he's probably out looking for revenge, which definitely isn't going to help our situation."

JJ rolled his eyes as Elle talked. "Now you're gonna' lie to Pope?" He turned to the other boy. "I saw them mackin'. We were just having a little chat."

"Really, Elle?" Pope asked, facing the girl. "Well, thanks a lot."

The girl's eyes started to sting as she watched her friend take JJ's side. This made her realize that no one would believe her. Who would believe a girl who keeps giving Rafe Cameron more chances?

Elle rubbed her arm as she watched JJ and Pope fight about wether or not the Kook's know. She knew that JJ knew they did, but he wanted Pope to stay calm.

This conversation ended with JJ and Elle practically broken up, Pope stressed out of his mind, and the three of them bringing JJ's gun to a movie night.



elle getting completely gaslighted by everyone in her life <3

ok but do we want sarah + john b endgame or sarah + kie endgame.

kiri gave me the whole "Rafe kiss" plotline so shoutout to bae routledgeflims

hope u enjoyed!

xoxo, kenn.

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