chapter two

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Okay, I'll admit it. I was definitely nervous that I wasn't going to make varsity.

Even after the showdown last year, the recent announcement of Wilson retiring, and the announcement that Orion was taking his place as varsity coach, I still had my doubts. The only one of us Ducks who was really safe is Adam. He was on the team last year, so he was obviously guaranteed a spot. He is too good.

I was relieved when Orion announced that I made varsity, but even more excited when he announced that all of the Ducks did too. I don't think he would want the drama that would've happened if he didn't take all of us. But regardless of that, we've all worked really hard and we deserve it.

Besides the seniors, juniors, and Adam, Orion added two new players besides us. Twin freshmen named Mason and Teddy. Apparently they already have interest from multiple big time schools, and from what I saw at tryouts, they definitely live up to their hype.

It's also the first time in Eden Hall history that they've had girls on the varsity hockey team, and I can't think of anyone more deserving than Julie and Connie. I think it's so cool that we have girls on the team, especially ones that are so good. I don't think most people can say their starting goalie and one of their top forwards are girls, and that they're talented ones at that. It just makes being on varsity that much cooler.

The first person I wanted to tell that I made varsity is Sadie, other than my mom. Once I got back in the locker room after tryouts, I called her first. She's been supporting me since District Five, and even before that, so she obviously was the first to know.

Sadie takes me to the dining hall for ice cream to celebrate, and she tells me all about her day while we are walking across campus.

As we walk, she catches me smiling at her and suddenly becomes really shy. "What?"

"You're just pretty." I respond, giving her a kiss on her forehead. I let go of her hand and sling my arm around her shoulder, smiling to myself as she leans into me. Even after almost eleven months, she still gives me butterflies.

When we get into the dining hall, Sadie goes to go get the ice cream while I grab us a table. I take out my phone and start to look through my social media while I wait for her, when I suddenly feel a presence sit next to me.

When I look up to see who's sitting next to me, I'm shocked to see Linda.

"Hi Charlie." she says, a small smile on her face.


What could she possibly want? We kissed that one time after the showdown, and then talked for like a week. We haven't even spoken since then.

"How did hockey tryouts go?"

"They went good." I answer nonchalantly, looking back to my phone. "Why are you even asking me this? I thought you hated hockey."

She shrugs before speaking quietly. "You made me a fan."

I look up at her and see the pain in her eyes, but I honestly don't give it a second thought. "I told you it isn't so bad."

She goes to speak again, but Dean saves me by coming over and sitting right next to me, causing Linda to get up and walk away. "Hey Conway! What are you doing here?"

I let out a sigh of relief and sling my arm around his shoulder. "Not much dude. Just waiting for Sadie and my ice cream."

"Aw, Captain's in loooooove!" he coos, and I give him a playful shove. "Knock it off man."

He starts to laugh, and I can't help but laugh too. Dean is one of those guys who can always lighten the mood in any situation, no matter how serious it is.

Just as we calm ourselves down, Sadie comes to the table with our ice cream in hand.

"Hey babe, look who I found!" I say to her as she turns her attention to Dean, who waves at her in response.

She smiles at him before sitting down next to me and digging into her ice cream. All of the Ducks join us after a few minutes, making it a whole group hang out. Before we know it, it's ten o'clock and we are back in Sadie, Morgan, and Ella's dorm, playing truth or dare and other similar games.

Of course, like the immature teenagers we are, we dare the couples to do a bunch of stupid stuff. Seven minutes in heaven or go out into the hallway for however long the darer says, things like that.

Eventually, our festivities are ended by the dorm manager, and we all have to go back to our respective dorms. Even though we just made the team today, we got our dorming arrangements after Orion announced the roster.

I am with Adam and Guy, we have one of the two three person dorms on the team. Dean and Fulton are obviously together, there was absolutely no way they were being split apart. Averman and Goldberg are together, Ken and Dwayne are together, Luis and Russ are together, and obviously Connie and Julie are together.

The returning seniors and juniors obviously chose to room with each other, which leaves Mason and Teddy rooming together. I can't wait to hear about all of the fights they have, I'm sure it'll be really entertaining. If I had a twin brother, the last thing I'd want is be stuck in a dorm room with him. But hey, to each their own.

The only annoying thing about getting our dorm rooms tonight is that we can't bring our stuff until tomorrow, because we didn't know if we were going to make varsity or not. That means that after practice tomorrow, all of us new players have to go home and get all of our stuff to bring back. Well, the ones that live in Minnesota at least. The others just have to go to their old dorm and bring everything here.

As soon as Guy, Adam, and I get into our dorm, a feeling of nervousness settles over me. "Guys."

"Hmm?" they both respond, engrossed in a game of NHL.

"What if I'm not captain?"

"Relax Conway!" Guy says, glancing at me from over his shoulder. "Why wouldn't you be? Orion learned his lesson last time he tried to take away your C. You'll be fine dude."

"But what about the seniors and juniors?" I fire back. "I know I'd be pissed if Orion gave the captaincy to some sophomore instead of me when I'd been there for years."

Adam lets out a sigh and puts down his controller, turning to face me completely. "Charlie, you're making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. Trust me, most of them don't care enough about whether they're captain or not. They're more focused on what line they're playing on, how much time they're getting, and winning states. Take a deep breath and relax man. Can I go back to my game now, or are you going to argue with me too?"

I raise my hands in defeat, because I know there's really no point in arguing. I decide to go to sleep, because otherwise my mind will get the best of me.

I quickly change into pajama pants, brush my teeth, and climb into bed, falling asleep to the sound of Adam and Guy yelling at each other over their NHL game in the background.

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