Chapter 4

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I suddenly woke up in a panic. I couldn't remember anything that happened to me after I passed out, but it looked like I had been moved to a tiny room with only a small window to let in light. I pulled myself up off the floor where I was lying, and behind me was a boy sitting watching me.

My eyes widened in surprise, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be in here with me. He was skinny with dirty blond hair and green eyes, and he looked tired. He didn't look much older than me, I guessed he was around 20, and he was an Omega like me.

"Hello," the boy said tentatively, and he gave me a small smile. "My name is Oliver."

I didn't know whether I could trust him, but he looked friendly.

"P-Pete," I stuttered out. I looked around the room to try and see where I was. The walls were dirty and there was no furniture, only a door. It felt like a prison cell. I reached out to the door to open it, but it was locked.

"I already tried the door," Oliver said, looking at me curiously. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked me suddenly.

It took me a second to work out what he was referring to. As soon as I stood up to check the door, my ankle started burning with pain. I think I must have injured it when I tried running away earlier, and Oliver had noticed I was limping.

I collapsed back onto the cold, hard floor and hissed in pain. Oliver sat down in front of me and inspected my leg.

"It looks like you've hurt it," he said. He reached out to touch it, and I jumped slightly when I felt his hand on my skin. It had been so long since I felt the presence of another person that I wasn't used to anyone touching me without hitting me.

"Sorry," Oliver apologized for causing me pain. "But at least it looks like it isn't broken, it's just bruised. Try not to put any weight on it and it should heal." Oliver said to me. The way he was gentle with my ankle made me feel at ease around him, he seemed very kind. "Not that we have much of a choice. I don't think we're going anywhere soon."

I guessed he was in the same situation as me, although I didn't exactly know what that situation was. "Uhm-" I cleared my throat, but I couldn't hide the nervous tremble in my voice. "Where are we?" I asked.

Oliver looked at me, confused. "You mean you don't know?"

I shook my head.

"Didn't your master tell you where you were going?"

I was confused. "I don't have a master. I live with my Uncle."

Oliver looked at me sadly. "You poor thing, you really don't know." He sighed, as if thinking how best to explain his thoughts. "We're at an Omega auction. It's where Omegas are bought and sold by Alphas."

"B-bought?" I panicked upon hearing the word, and the conversation Uncle had with the man at the desk earlier came back to me. He was going to auction me away to the highest bidder. Who knows who it could be, I didn't want to be owned by a stranger, what if I was bought by a psychopath.

Oliver could sense me panicking and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "Hey—hey it's alright. I'm here with you," he comforted me. I could feel his soft heartbeat as I pressed my head into his chest. I don't think anyone had ever hugged me before, at least not since my parents before they died.

"I don't want to be sold. Isn't th-that illegal?" I stuttered. Oliver looked at me with a sad expression.

"Yeah, it should be," he sounded almost angry. "But this place is run by the mob. They have half the police force working for them, and the other half are bribed. Only rich and powerful folk can afford to come here, and this city is so corrupt half of them can just pay their way out if they ever get caught."

"The mob?" I asked, confused. I had never heard of them.

"You know, the Mafia. They're always in the news."

I shook my head. "Uncle doesn't allow me to read the news."

Oliver looked shocked. "Really? He sounds awful. You must have lived a pretty rough life before coming here."

I shrugged. It was the only life I had known.

"Anyway," Oliver continued, "the mob are a powerful organization. They say they are legitimate businessmen, but everyone knows they use crime to get what they want. At the top is the King family, who control half the city, and it's them who run this place. They buy and trade Omegas for money or favors from their allies. It's sick, people have no respect for us just because we were born Omega."

I wondered how Oliver knew all this. "Have- have you been here before?"

Oliver looked emotional as soon as I asked him. "I have, once. My old master bought me from here two years ago." He stared into the distance with a sad expression on his face.

"What happened?" I asked. I was curious what kind of person would buy an Omega at auction.

"He was nice at first. I was lucky, some Alphas buy Omegas just to carry their children. Not Master, he just wanted an Omega to help him around the house. I was a good boy for him, but eventually he got bored of me and bought himself another Omega and dumped me back here."

I was shocked someone could be so cruel. I didn't want someone like that to buy me. I didn't want to be sold as a mating slave either. I was terrified of what would happen to me, my mind started imagining terrible scenarios of what could happen and I started crying.

Oliver looked guilty, as though it was his fault I was crying. He started stroking my hair comfortingly.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm sure we'll be alright," he soothed me.

He ran his fingers through my white hair and I yelped in pain as he touched the spot where the security guard had knocked me out earlier.

"Are you okay?" Oliver asked me.

"I'm fine," I squeaked out. "I'm used to being hit," I explained.

"What?" Oliver gasped.

"Uncle punished me whenever I was naughty."

"You mean your own Uncle beat you up?" Oliver sounded livid.

I nodded slowly. I knew Uncle could be cruel but I though it was normal to be punished for doing something wrong.

"He sounds like a bastard."  I was shocked at Oliver's harsh language. "Don't worry, you won't have to live with him any more. Maybe you will find a kind Alpha who will look after you better," he reassured me, and I calmed down slightly at his kind words.

I was still nervous but Oliver helped me relax by looking after me. I was glad I met him, I had never been allowed to make friends before, and especially had never met another Male Omega like me, so Oliver helped me feel at ease given the situation.

The wait to be called up to auction though was still nerve wracking, I watched the sun set out of the tiny window as Oliver explained to me that auctions always took place in the evenings. There was nothing we could do but await our fate in our tiny cell together.

Sold to the Mafia Boss' Son - Alpha x OmegaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ