07 - a loophole

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    HOW, exactly, did one plan a wedding without a bride?

    It was already Saturday night, a week since her meeting with her father, and Adrien didn't know how to do this. She should've been out right now―flirting with some girl, inviting her back here. Instead, she was poring over a wedding how-to booklet.

   The first rule: Communication. What are both you and your partner's desires for the wedding outcome? Planning is a task meant for two.

   But Adrien did not have a fiancée, and even if she did, she had no idea what she wanted her wedding outcome to look like. To be honest, she didn't even care. What did the floral arrangement or the texture of the silk curtains matter?

   The real question remained: Who the fuck was she going to marry?

   Adrien had never had any real long-term relationships. She'd never even had many female friends. No matter what any gender statistics said, the business world had always been dominated by men. Feminism, Grey Hansen always said, has no place when it comes to making money. 

    The thought of Grey Hansen―who would inherit the Vitale Enterprises if she failed to present herself as a devout family woman―made Adrien jump to her feet and dial her best friend's number.

    On the eighth ring, Ezra's sleep-mottled voice intoned: "Hello?"

    "Ezra, I need your help."

    "It's three in the fucking morning, Adrien."

    "I'll meet you at the Moth Café in twenty minutes." Adrien hung up and pulled on her overcoat. A quick glance in the mirror revealed her elegantly tousled hair and glossed lips. Even at three in the morning, she had appearances to maintain. A reputation to uphold. 

    If this were any other weekend, she'd be out partying at her favourite club. Dancing, letting her body sink into the electric rhythm of a song. Unwinding. But now that she had a marriage to plan and a wife to find, she needed to readjust her goals. She needed Ezra, above all.

    Twenty minutes later, at the Moth Café, Adrien sat across from Ezra and said, "I wish I could marry you."

    Ezra's dry laugh disappeared into the noise and music of the busy café. "You know, my wife might have something to say about that."

    Adrien sighed. "I can't believe you're married."

    "You were literally the best man."

    Ezra was twenty-eight, the same age as Adrien, and he'd already been through the steps: A proposal, a marriage and now a child on the way. Adrien had been happy for him, but she'd never, ever wanted that life for herself. Now, she had no choice.

    The café around them, despite being the middle of the night, was as bright and lively as ever. Maybe because it was the middle of the night. Most of the patrons now were on the younger side―teenagers, students in their early twenties. Those who had snuck out just to be here, those who maybe couldn't confront their sexuality in the daylight. Adrien understood: Once upon a time, she'd crawled out of her own window just to make it. To feel like she belonged. With music swirling around from the speakers, little rainbow flags everywhere and constant laughter, the Moth Café had always felt like somewhere she could be herself. No fear of judgment. A silent and unspoken sense of unity: Everyone here was in this together.

    "Please," said Adrien, taking a swig of Shirley Temple. "Please, just tell me how to approach this white-picket-fence lifestyle."

    Ezra narrowed his eyes. "Is this about your deal with your father? The family woman thing? I told you not to go through with that. A week ago."

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