Part 18

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I woke up with a grin on my face and Tom wrapped around me making me smile more when I felt him snuggle his head further into my neck then plant a kiss there,

"Morning love!"he groaned

"Morning!"I replied softly and turned around to face him where he pulled me closer and hid his face in the front of my neck with a groan and I laughed slightly then placed my hand on his hair and ran it through causing him to moan softly

"Did I ever tell you that you smell incredible!"He then groaned making me blush and continue playing with his hair when his hand moved up my shirt so he was hugging my bare waist

"We should probably get up!"I said and he shook his head

"Nah"he said and pulled his head away to look at me

"Hey!"he then said and leaned up to kiss me but I made sure it was closed mouth

"What are you doing?"He said confused pulling away

"I haven't brushed my teeth!"I defended and he rolled his eyes

"After last night you really don't need to worry about that!"he said with a smirk then leant in

"Now open your mouth!"he mumbled against my lips before kissing me opened mouth this time before pulling away,

"Ok I'm gonna make breakfast! You want bacon sandwiches?"he asked getting out of bed and I nodded vigorously making him smile as he walked out just in his pyjama bottoms and I covered my face with my hands to hide my childish smile before getting up too and put on some shorts with Toms shirt.

I walked into the kitchen and put on some music causing Tom to look at me then I saw his eyes fall up and down my body with a smirk before he reached for my hand and started dancing with me before spinning me around with a smile as we laughed and danced,

"You know you guys are actually quite cute!"Mindy said and we turned around to see her

"Sleep well?"was my only response to hide my blush and she nodded actually quite nicely

"There's orange juice in the fridge!"I added and we went to get some when Haz walked out too just as Tom was serving up food

"You're a saint!"Haz said and we laughed then sat down to eat them and talked for a while until Mindy stood up as she had to leave

"I'll see you Tomorrow then?"she asked Haz who nodded before she walked out

"Gee Mindy your welcome! Fucking hell!"I scoffed as she was back to normal

"So ima need you to change my sheets because if you think I'm touching them after you two-"Tom started to say and I hide a laugh

"We didn't fuck! Although I would have but apparently she didn't want to fuck when you guys are so near!"he said and I looked confused

"Question? In the nicest way Mindy doesn't seem to give a shit about Tom and myself so why does that bother her? Or does she make some sort of weird noises?"I asked and Tom snorted with laughter

"The fuck no! I don't know she's loud I guess!"he said and I instantly regretted asking the question

"Right..."I replied

"What do you make weird noises then?"Haz then asked me and I blushed

"Mate!"Tom said firmly

"I should hope not!"I replied with a smirk and Haz raised an eyebrow

"So Mindy's out next Friday? So you wanna do the edibles then?"Haz then asked

"Sure Im out Saturday though!"I said and he nodded

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