Thinking straight

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Caleb pulls himself out of my grip. 

I grab his arm and pull him to the front door.

"Lucas, I can explain."

I just ignore him and keep pulling him away from this hell.

"You aren't going to answer me?"

I let go of his arm only to grab him by the throat.
"If I answer you now I might just kill you. So I suggest you shut the hell up and walk home with me."

I push him back and start walking again with my back turned on him now.

"Are you kidding me! Thats a 5km walk! I have a hangover and I havent eaten anything in days. You know how that feels."

I don't turn around to see if he follows or not. He has to. He knows if I have to come and get him again I would probably kill him on the spot.

I push onwards with my hands balled up into fists. I can feel my heart racing.
I have lost so much of my strengths and fitness and it shows by the burning of my lungs.

"You walked that far to nearly lose your life, you'll be just fine!"

I spit at him, anger flaring at each word.

We walked in silence the rest of the way. The silence between us was uncomfortable and the tension ran so thick you'd be able to stab it, nevermind cutting it.

This neighborhood was so peaceful and quiet. No racing freeway, no loud music, no firing gunshots.
Just chirping birds, green front lawns, beautiful houses -well cared for-, and thick trees forming a canopy over the streets.

I stared up at the trees, their leaves becoming a dull orange color with the changin season. How strange that something dying could still be so beautiful. My mind takes a dark turn twords Bree. Something might be killing her at this moment and we have no idea. Something dying, so beautiful indeed.

We made it home in just under an hour. I swing open the door  and wait very impatiently for Caleb to shut the door behind him. He was in bad shape.
Guy nearly puked his guts out during the walk. He deserved it. I know what it feels like, but after having to drag him out of there Im so pissed at him that I couldn't care less.

Finally an exausted face showed through the door, his face pale and dropplets of sweat forming on his forhead.

He turns his back on me to shut the door and I wait for the click of the door lock as my que.


And then I let go of all my frustration.

"What the fuck, Caleb!"
I grab him by his shirt and my fist collides with his jaw once more. My nuckles feel numb on impact, but the blood dripping from his mouth stands as evidence that he most definitely felt it.
"You could have died!" I grasp his shirt with both my hands and slam him against the wall.
"What the hell is wrong with you? You know how Roman is. You stay with him as long as you pay for his drugs. You become so fucking dependent on him that you can't leave. Either the drugs kill you or he does! No way out Caleb! No way out..."

Tears were starting to form in both our eyes. His eyes were dark, the circles under his eyes were bad. Worse than mine even. He was thin, barley any muscle or fat on him. I wondered what he looked like healthy; I never really saw him sobered up. His life wasn't easy, but then again I guess no one has an easy life.

"I love you like a brother, Caleb..."

The tears roll down his cheecks. One after the other with very little interval.
His cry was heartbreaking.

We have been through alot together. We have seen eachother at extreme lows, but there is something he's not telling me about this one.

"I'm sorry, Lucas."

Caleb slid down to the floor with his back against the wall and balled himself up in attempt to hide from me.

My anger faded at the sight of him so broken. He was hurting more than ever.

"Just... don't try that shit again, okay?"

Caleb wiped the tears from his tired eyes and rose to his feet.

His head tilting to the side a little, with a curious face he stares at something behind me. It panicks me, since that could mean:
A someone's actually in the house besides us.
B He definitely took too much this time.


The familiar voice is followed by a small tap on my back, sending tingles where she touches.

I close my eyes in disbelief.

I turn to look at her, ready to give her a speach, but when I saw her face, whatever made me angry simply disappeared. I understood why she did it since I would too.


A soft smile forms at the corner of my lips. She was so beautiful. And seeing her here, alive and unharmed mad me the happiest man in the world.

"How did you-"

"I parked mycar accross the street and the door was open and no one was home so I figured-"

I start shaking my head as I look at her I pull her in.

Her scent was so welcoming, like sweet honey and roses.

I lay my head ontop of hers and hold her as close as possible. She was like my safe place, which is ironic since im pretty sure she might just be the most petite human I know.

"You little snip."

I wispered in her ear only to hear her giggle in response.

Caleb clears his throat and I just now relize that he had no idea who she is or even why she's in my arms.
I sigh. Not ready for the mucking and snarky comment.

I let her go and turn to him.

"Caleb. This is Brea. She safed my ass yesterday."

His head tilts to the side as he places a finger to his lips.... You could literally see that little sick hamster running its ass off on that wheel.

"Oooh, it was you. You pulled the fire alarm...."

Bree rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms. I chuckle in advance to the snarky comment that's about to come from her mouth.

"So you think as slow as you walk huh?
That little hamster in you bain must be exausted keeping such a specimen in top condition."

Caleb drops his hands to his side.
"Thats mean,"
Next he turns to me.
"And thats why you're inlove with her."

You little rat. I should've left your ass for dead.

"I am not-"

Bree covers my mouth with her hand.
She squints at Caleb
"Don't ruin this please. I don't like premature diagnosis."

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