Absolute Monarch

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Zhao Lifei followed Yang Ruqin down the halls and to a different section where another group of bodyguards was standing in front of a door.

'Geez, these bodyguard organizations must be rolling in money at the number of people who are hiring them,' Zhao Lifei thought.

When the men saw Yang Ruqin, they let her through. They were trained professionals who didn't spare Zhao Lifei a glance. Instead, they kept their eyes forward for any mishaps.

The minute the door opened, the wind of Antarctica must've blown through because Zhao Lifei shivered on contact and her questioning gaze landed upon an incredibly handsome, but daunting man.

His eyes were fierce, their color darker than ink and the night itself. The aura he exuded was chilly, dark, and terrifying. Despite his intimidating vibe, he was breathtakingly handsome with thin lips, a tall nose, and a jawline so sharp, it could probably cut through glass.

Zhao Lifei was not prepared to face such a deadly and overbearing presence.

Her throat ran dry.

She finally understood why so many women threw themselves at his feet. With a face and aura like that, who wouldn't?

"Ugh, brother, why the bad temper?" Yang Ruqin sighed, placing down her purse.

He scowled, his eyes blazing with annoyance. "Maybe it's because of these damn handcuffs."

Zhao Lifei was surprised to hear his voice wasn't rough or ferocious. Instead, it was deep and smooth, like the finest milk chocolate.

Standing by the doorway, Zhao Lifei was unsure of whether she wanted to enter the room or not. The man was much scarier in person. Despite the fire that burned in his eyes, his face was impossibly calm.

She thought to herself, 'Is this what people mean when they talk about the calm before the storm?'

"If I didn't have you handcuffed, you would leave this room. Then your body won't get better..." Yang Ruqin trailed off when Yang Feng threw her a soul-piercing glare. Even though she had known him for all her life, his brooding stares still terrified her.

"I'm perfectly fine. I don't need additional treatment." Yang Feng stubbornly replied, his lips pulling to an unpleasant line.

Yang Ruqin faltered at his stare and voice.

"Unlock the handcuffs." His fierce voice was so commanding, it took every fiber within Yang Ruqin to reject his request.

"No." Yang Ruqin stubbornly rejected his request, placing her hand on her hips.

With a simple word, the atmosphere turned colder. Yang Feng's frosty eyes dropped the temperature around him, sending a chill down Zhao Lifei's spine.

"It wasn't a suggestion." His voice became so dark, Yang Ruqin was forced to take a step forward.

Sensing her friend's obvious reluctance towards her absolute monarch of a brother, Zhao Lifei came to Yang Ruqin's aid. "Don't be so rude, she's only looking out for you."

Yang Feng's eyes shifted to Zhao Lifei. He wasn't surprised by her presence; in fact, he was expecting her.

Zhao Lifei: the ex-fiancee of Zheng Tianyi, the best friend of his pampered little sister… Yang Feng knew of her background. He always investigated Yang Ruqin's friends in order to ensure none of them had a criminal or harmful background.

He expected Zhao Lifei to hang around his little sister, but he didn't expect her dripping charisma and daring-temper. Was she always like this? Why was she not scared of him?

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