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Satouri Milano Cartier-Jane

"Goodmorning LoveBirds" Dae joked as me and Del walked into the Kitchen.

I looked at Del, and he had a smirk on his face

"That's not funny" I gave him a little shove

"You don't gotta be embarrassed I heard both of y'all" Dae laughed

Del wiped the smirk off his face making me laugh.

"Big Fucking General!" I said

"Fuck on" he muffed me

"We friends now?" I asked Dae smiling

"No" he smirked looking back down at his phone

"What's up with these smirks?" I said going over to Del who was leaning on the counter all in his phone

I wrapped my hands around his waist and laid my head on his chest.

"Look at this" he said showing me his phone

He had posted me on his Close Friends and it was some female saying some wild ass shit

"Who that?" I asked not really caring

"Used to be my friend from Highschool" he yawned

"Aw why she talking shit about me" I asked

"Cause he sold her the American dream den dipped" Dae butted in

"Not the American Dream" I joked

"That's not what happened, we drifted, well atleast I did and just stop fucking with eachother" he said

"He fucked her, made her crazy then dipped, don't be lying to her" Vonny walked in

"Where you come from," Dae asked

"My momma Coochie but as of right now? No where" he said casually taking a seat

"Umm.... Anyways," I mumbled

"Why y'all in my business, that's not what happened." Del said

"Well what did happen?" I asked lifting off of him

He looked down at me and then up at them "a story for another day. Don't sweat it tho" he said

"I'm not" I shrugged

I couldn't careless about it.

"You don't care ? What if he do the same to you?" Vonny said

I shrugged "I'll be Ite," I said

"I fuck wit it" Dae nodded

"You hungry?" Del asked

"No." I yawned grabbing my phone

I saw I had some missed calls from my brothers and my momma and daddy.

I decided to call Natouri back

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