Chapter 1

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"When you have supernatural powers, the impossible becomes possible. My name is Kasuo Saiki, granted you wouldn't be here if you didn't already know that alrighty, and I have psychic powers. Wait, why am I narrating? Shouldn't you be introducing the actual main character...? Anyway, like I said a million times in this anime. Love isn't really my thing, and I have no interest in romance. Besides grades, normal highschoolers are interested in getting into relationships and finding their 'one and only'. I'm not the type to believe in soulmates or true love, so to each their own...

But I started considering the pros and cons of dating after meeting someone in my class. I would say...she interests me. She cute from what I can tell, but I can really only see her muscles when looking at her. I never noticed her at first, but the day I ran into Teruhashi was the day, she was brought to my attention."

"Hey, look a pretty girl." People stopped and looked at the girl with blue hair walking down the sidewalk.

'My name is Kokomi Teruhashi.'

"Great, she's narrating now..."

Teruhashi continued, 'Not to sound arrogant, but I'm an example of a perfect pretty girl. Again, I'm not trying to be a jerk; I'm just stating a fact. For the most part, I try not to make it a habit of boosting about my flawless good looks. Not only am I pretty on the outside, but I'm also pretty on the inside. That makes me invincible.'

Teruhashi looked across the street to see a certain pink haired boy walking by. 'That guy's in my class. What's his name? Sega? Sake? Saiki! Kunio Saiki!' She thought to herself, 'Aw, he looks so alone. Poor thing. I should say hi to brighten his day. Remember, I'm not just pretty on the outside; I'm perfectly pretty on the inside.'

So, she rushed over to him. "Saiki, hi! I couldn't help but notice you look sad." She said while Saiki looked at her with a deadpanned face. 'There. Now he has a memory of me to cherish for the rest of his life. Not only do you get to be seen talking to the pretty girl in girl while out in public; she's the one who rushed over to you. I bet you've fallen in love, and that's okay, even though we're on different social levels. That's the natural response to my beauty. How else are you supposed to react to perfection?'

Saiki bowed and continued to walk without another word. Leaving Teruhashi in shock. She was coming up with all sorts of excuses to why Saiki was ignoring here. Terushashi chased after him, but Saiki continued to ignore her. 'Oh brother, why does this chick from school keep following me...?' Saiki thought.

"Saiki, hi!" Teruhashi said, trying to get his attention.

'Here she comes... The only thing that this arrogant girl won't consider is that I'm ignoring her. To be fair, she is very pretty. In fact, everything Teruhashi thinks about herself is actually true that what make her so dangerous. She really does attract attention, and because I don't like attention, I don't want her around me.'

Saiki continued to walk and ignore the girl tailing behind him. Until he saw Nendo in the crowd. 'This is bad she thinks I think she's fake, but if he acknowledges her, I'll have no choice but to acknowledge her, too. I'll be checkmated by social convention. I simply can't let that happen. I'll disappear into the crowd.'

Saiki disappeared into a crowd of people. But Nendo stopped and turned his head 180 degrees like an owl. In a panic, Saiki teleported to the roof of the nearest building. "I thought I saw my best friend." Nendo muttered.

"Oh, no. Where did Saiki go?" Teruhashi questioned, looking around, "What's going on?" She saw Nendo. The tall male turned and looked at her. "Oh wow, hey there, Teruhashi." He said while blushing a little.

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