Black Widow

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As I rolled over I felt Jazze' my calico cat and Morpheus my truly lovable one hundred- and twenty-five-pound Rottweiler I love him but he is a total crème puff. Jazze' is probably more vicious. Both began to stir clearly angry that I had disturbed them. This was the latest I had slept in two weeks. The alarm clock said it was almost seven for me, this was late. I usually arose by five thirty, today was different I didn't have to take a plane or bus ride anywhere. I booted my computers and grabbed my Kindle Fire to check the newspaper headlines and made myself a cup of coffee. There it was in the Arizona Republic, the major paper out of Phoenix on page five of the Metro section below the fold. The police were investigating a possible homicide of Ernesto Taroris. Taroris age 57, and a Phoenix resident who had recently been promoted to bank manager of an M&T Bank branch, had been killed under suspicious circumstances. His wife and three step children are believed to have been away from home at the time of the murder. Taroris a convicted child molester had been murdered in his own home. There was no further information as is the case in a new investigation. I checked a few other newspapers print and electronic nothing. That was good. I printed the picture of Taroris slid back the false wall and attached it to the board beside the others. Later there was a blip about the FBI possibly getting involved in what might be serial killings of suspected child molesters. It was obvious by the news teaser that that story was so full of holes even someone with only a GED would be bored. Based on the kill board I was already at the letter T, well I had had to jump around so in truth I was more like at the letter G. I checked my cellphones, no missed calls. I sent a text to Justice and Carter. If Olivia Pope and her crew were Gladiators in Suits, then we were The Three Musketeers. All for one and one for all. In this instance if I am the brain and they are my right and left arm. Justice is my part Huck part Penelope Garcia; if it's out there electronically he will find it. Carter is my oldest and closest friend my sister from another mister. She is also a Captain in the Chesterfield County Police Department. I didn't need a headline to know how Taroris had died I knew. After dropping his wife and stepchildren at the airport, he had called his mistress of three years Lisa who just happened to be friends with Candi Morgan, Candi had gone to AIT school with PJ Lewis. PJ grew up in Richmond but had moved to Los Angeles. The connection between PJ and Candi died in Las Vegas which is how we had planned it. Lisa had left the Taroris residence around two by taxi. She had sent a text to PJ who forwarded it to Candi where Justice was able to intercept it, it read simply one word. "Alone". While Taroris relaxed in the hot tub drinking a glass of the Champagne Lisa had brought which had been laced with an old Laudanum recipe he didn't notice. Taroris was a short squat man at almost five feet nine he weighed close to three hundred pounds no wonder the only people he had sex with were children. I had entered the house with the security code Justice had gotten for me, God Bless hackers. I wore purple nitrile gloves and I made sure to wear the same type of heels as Lisa so he would think it was her returning. His head was back exposing his neck making my job that much easier. In less than two moves I quickly slid the garrote a simple enough tool to make two pieces of wood and strong but thin piano wire, around his neck pulled tight and held pressure until he stopped moving. To be sure he was dead, I used a technique known to only a few killers on how to break the human neck, it is most effective. Too bad I wouldn't be able to use this trick again. I liked it very much. Next I checked my two burner phones plugged in in the kitchenette. There was one text from JD my on again off again booty call. The deal was when I wanted to get my freak on I called him not the other way around, so I wasn't happy to see his text at first. Then I read the text. Hey butiful ldy, y must I w8 so long 2 c u? Good just how I liked it he was still pining for me. Since I didn't have any plans for the next couple days I figured I might as well get a suite at the Jefferson, I could stand to work off a little stress. So I texted him back, no worries luv, Momi is ready 4 u meet me @ the J bar @ 7. After that I hopped on line and reserved the suite as well as dinner reservations for two under the name Byrd. I preferred to eat before a night of sex. I had stopped making love when Trey died. I haven't thought of him in a while. I shook my head to clear the thought before the first tear could drop. That done I checked to see if Justice and Carter had replied since they hadn't I went back to my room stopping long enough to open the pet door so everybody could go out and went to change my clothes. I chose the purple sports bra and pants tied on my Nike running shoes. I closed the door to the workout room, turned on the portable heaters and started my run on the treadmill. I had heard somewhere that working out with warm muscles limits injuries. Considering my chosen occupation, I needed to ensure I was in the best of health. I might be close to thirty-five okay forty but I still have the body and skin of a much younger woman. I credit most of that to my genetic makeup. Thirty minutes later I started my yoga routine done mostly to help with flexibility. After an hour of hand-to-hand combat practices, MMA fitness exercises, heavy bag a few minutes on the quick bag it was time for meditation. Finally, I felt whole and balanced. If Demi Moore was GI Jane, then I was her black long distance relative. At least I liked to think so. By the time I was done it was almost nine maybe closer to ten. I had phone calls to make. I knew by now family members were wondering where I was and what I was doing.

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