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Dear Katniss,

So that's pretty much everything — that's how Finnick and I met. It's a bit of a boring story I think (although he would protest), other than the death game of course, which wasn't ideal but we're healing now. He asked me to marry him a few months later, because Finn has always been spontaneous like that and somehow roped me along into feeling like that too? Honestly, I don't know how he does it sometimes, but it was a wonderful day and even Haymitch got up and danced.

I hope that you and Peeta are doing well, it's not going to be easy but its doable.

Elio is growing up so fast I don't know what to do with him. A teenager? Gross. I have to deal with that on top of the twins, which keep me up all hours of the night, but Finn's always been so good with calming them down. You know, I never really wanted kids, but they're honestly the best thing to come into my life. Caspian's the loudest by a long shot, and Mags is so quiet sometimes I think she's half dead and have to wake Finnick just to check.

Its strange adapting to this new life. Nice, but strange. We're both still learning to deal with PTSD and its difficult, and I'm sure you and Peeta have the same struggles as we do, but we're safe now, and that's the greatest thing about it.

I think one day we'll tell the kids about it all... But maybe when they're older. Elio still thinks I'm some sort of superhero and while I love the attention (obviously), I miss the way he used to see me before the Games, and I know you'd understand when I say that I don't want Caspian or Mags to see us like that yet. They're turning one next month!

We've planted some primroses in our back garden, courtesy of Peeta, of course. Finn and I can't garden to save our lives.

Write back to me as soon as you're able!

Your friend,

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