~ Chapter 5: The Genie ~

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Deep in the cave, Aladdin and Y/N lies unconscious on the carpet. Abu and True tries to wake them.

"Oh, oh. Aladdin? Y/N? Wake up. Aladdin. Y/N."

"Please wake up, Y/N."

Carpet rises up, lifting Aladdin and Y/N up. They awake slowly.

"Oh, my head." Aladdin groaned.

"Ow..." Y/N hissed.

They look at the entrance sealed in.

"We're trapped."

Angry, Aladdin shake fists at the entrance.

"That two faced son-of-a-jackal!"

"I can't believe we've trusted that creep!" Y/N growled, making True hiss in agreement.

"Whoever he was, he's long gone with that lamp." he sighed.

Abu smirks and pulls out the magic lamp.


Aladdin smiles and takes the lamp from Abu.

"Heh! Why, you hairy little thief! Looks like such a beat-up, worthless piece of junk. Hey, I think there's something written here, but it's hard to make out."

"Try and rub it." Y/N suggested.

He rubs the lamp like she said. Suddenly smoke comes out of the hole, the lamp begins to shake and glow, but Aladdin holds onto the lamp, and our wonderful friend, the blue Genie comes out.

"Aaaaahhhhh! OY! Ten-thousand years will give ya such a crick in the neck!"

Genie hangs Aladdin on a nearby rock while Y/N watches with shock. Then he pulls his head off and spins it around, yelling as he does so. Carpet pulls a Aladdin down.

"Whoa! Does it feel good to be outta there!"

Genie uses the lamp end of himself as a microphone.

"Nice to be back, ladies and gentlemen. Hi, where ya from?"

Sticks the mic in Aladdin's face.

"What's your name?"

"Uh, Al--uh--Aladdin."

Genie says his name as if he's discovered something major.


A neon sign lights up with Aladdin's name on it, circled by chase lights. The sign changes to reflect the Genie's upcoming line.

"Hello, Aladdin. Nice to have you on the show. Can we call you 'Al?' Or maybe just 'Din?' Or how bout 'Laddi?'"

Genie disappears, then a dog wrapped in plaid jumps in.

"Sounds like 'Here, boy! C'mon, Laddi!'"

Aladdin shakes his head in disbelief.

"I must have hit my head harder than I thought."

"I don't think this is a dream..." Y/N mumbled out.

"Do you smoke? Mind if I do?"

Dog poofs into smoke, then back to the Genie. Abu screeches wildly. True wraps her body around Y/N's neck with a scared expression.

"Oh, sorry Cheetah--hope I didn't singe the fur! Yo, Rugman! Haven't seen you in a few millennia! Slap me some tassel! Yo! Yeah!"

Carpet flies over and high fives the Genie. Genie looks at Y/N.

"Hi! What's your name, sweetie?"

"I'm... Y/N."

"Nice name! It suits you."

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