5| Deny, Deny, Deny.

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Multiple job opportunities came up but none of them felt right. But I wasn't aloud to be picky when I was at the point where I was starving myself so I wouldn't have to pay for food and so close to being evicted I could practically hear the cardboard box that would soon be my future home.

Alina was out of the house more often than usual so Tucker was over more. I was close to calling it off. He was always showing up when asked and was loyal as hell.

He would be a great boyfriend to some lucky girl. That girl just wouldn't be me. And as sad as that makes me I know I could never be the great girlfriend he deserves.

Selene came over randomly during school hours. Aurora and Selene both had a key to our place for emergencies but Selene used hers more when she was bored.

She walked into my room and fell onto my bed. "Aren't you supposed to be in some art class doodling right now?"

"Is that what you think I do all day?" she says with a hint of annoyance.

"Well yeah kinda... but more power to you because I can't draw for shit." I turn back to my desk where my laptop sits.

"What are you working on?" she walks up behind me and looks over my shoulder at my laptop. Pinterest has been my best friend since I started my History of Fashion course.

"I have to come up with a line of clothing for this years fashion show. My group has the theme 'summer'-" I look back at Selene and she scrunches her nose. "-Yeah tell me bout it."

"Goddamn. I'm so glad all I have to do is doodle." she walks out of my room and I turn back to my computer for ideas. "I'm taking a juice." she calls from the kitchen.

"I don't care." I scroll through Pinterest looking for ideas and none come up.

"I have a confession..." Selene is now standing in my bedroom doorway looking guilty.

"If you killed someone I don't wanna' know..." I turn back to my computer and she slumps against the door frame, sitting cross legged on the ground. She sips from her juice and stays utterly quiet.

"Selene..." I mutter. I roll my chair over to her and she looks.

"I kinda kissed Caspian..."


"One of Reece's roommates. After the dinner we had with all of us he asked me out to this party and I got wasted and so did he and we kissed."

"Just kissed?" I asked.

"Yeah..." she looks hesitant to answer.

"Damn." I mutter.


"I just kinda slept with Tucker." I left out the part where we screw almost every night.

She sighs and leans her head against the door. "Is the requirement to be a hockey player, 'hot as fuck'?"

"Seems like it."

We both sit there in silence.

She looks at me the same time I do and we both say, "Don't tell Alina." we both laugh at our idiocy.

It's not that Alina would be mad. If anything, she'd be over the moon happy. But I would feel like a bad friend for lying to her. And I'm way to deep into this shit to tell the truth now.

Deny, Deny, Deny.

All Mine {BOOK 2 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Where stories live. Discover now