chapter 27 : light as air

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A/N: just wanted to drop by & say how much i appreciate all of you

i hope you're doing well 


happy reading!


As Amelia walked home that night, she was feeling a type of happiness and peace she hadn't felt in a very long time.

The party was incredibly fun and even though she spent much time dancing in her heels, her now bare feet carried a weightless presence.

She felt as light as air itself.

The horses' small hoofs stomped alongside her footsteps as the carriage trailed behind. She initially had dismissed the driver for the night but he refused to let her walk this far alone.

He insisted on staying and she was in desperate need of fresh air, so here she was, walking as the empty carriage followed.

All the anxiety and fear that graced her this morning had vanished. She felt simply ..... amazing.

The boy she had once hated had now become the boy she had kissed.

And she wasn't mad at all that she liked it. A lot.

She skipped home with the biggest grin, replaying the kiss again and again in her head.

If someone had told her a few weeks ago, that she had feelings for the infuriating rake whose face she so gladly punched that morning, she'd deem them mad. Completely insane.

So she supposed that's what she was now: completely & absolutely insane.

All because of Anthony Bridgerton.

Everything had changed.

He changed.

Since Amelia arrived at Grosvenor Square, this was definitely the happiest she had been.

And it wasn't just the kiss.

Well not entirely.

But it was that he confided in her when he was at his lowest.

It was clear that he trusted you.

That no matter how 'fake' the situation the two of them concocted, they had something real.

Amelia, for once, was actually happy.


The next few weeks were the best weeks of her life yet. 

Yes, most of her evenings were spent dilly-dallying and such at various balls, trying to act as much as a debutante as possible.

They were boring, a simple drawback to her otherwise perfect life.

Evenings turned out to be tedious but unavoidable hindrances.

But her nights? Oh my.

The apartment she once hated had become her favorite place.

She and Anthony spent many nights holed up in his 2 stories.

Talking, laughing, drinking.

Truly enjoying each other's company.


She giggled as she took down his king with her rook, "Checkmate," she smirked.

He threw his head back and scoffed, "again? I really should be better at this."

"I could always teach you, you know?"

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