Chapter Ten: The Demon Kingdom

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"Look! A human!" 

I could hear whispers and felt the stares stab into my back as I wobbled down the hallway with Mimi. Its been a week since I came here with Papa but I still wasn't used to being watched.

This was only second day that I could get out of bed; after crying my heart out, I ended up getting a fever. Whenever I woke up for a few minutes, Papa was there to help take care of me. 

I ended up crying a few more times- which didn't help the fever but I actually feel better: at least mentally.

We were on our way to see Papa, who was apparently at something called a 'training ground'. Mimi had wanted to carry me since my legs were still weak but I really wanted Papa to see that I could walk around by myself- without help.

I stumbled for the fifth time on the shiny floor and tried to cover up a wince as pain ran up my legs.

"Dear." Mimi looks over me with concern. "Won't you let me carry you for a little bit? I can set out down just before the training grounds if you like."

"N-no." I shook my head and tried to smile but I couldn't get it to work right. "Its o-okay" 

Mimi was about to say more until an unfamiliar voice suddenly cuts in.

"I see that you are awake." A old man with long grey hair and matching beard approached us, the cane he was holding strangely silent against the stone floor. 

"Lord Abaddon." Mimi bows as I couldn't help but stare; large feathery things seemed to be attached on his back, dragging along on the floor behind him. 

"Allow me to introduce myself: I am Abaddon, advisor to the king." His eyebrows seemed to cover his eyes, but there was a small gleam beneath them.

"H-hello." I wasn't to sure about him and secretly grabbed onto Mimi's dress. "I-i'm Soraya." 

I was actually glad that I had practiced saying my name, since Papa gave it to me- I didn't want to struggle saying it.

"It is nice to meet you." Abaddon says. "May I walk with you?"

I glance over at Mimi but her face gave me no clues so I lightly nodded. Abaddon walked along side us as we continued on, I couldn't help but peek up at him each time.

"Is there something on my face?" he says, catching me.

"N-no." I tried to clear my throat a little. "I-i was wondering w-what was on y-your back...." 

I looked down as I grew embarrassed over my stuttering.

"They are my wings." Abaddon's voiced held an strange tone which caused me to glance up. "Old friends that have been with me my whole life."

"C-can you fly? C-could I see you f-flying?" I surprised myself with my sudden questions- I used to watch birds fly outside the window whenever I had the chance, I loved how free they were. 

"Yes." Abaddon seemed to smile a little before coughing. "But if you wish to meet with his Majesty, I suggest you hurry."

"R-right!" I tried to speed up but tripped, falling down on the ground, the sound echoing. 

"Dear!!" Mimi starts forward but is stopped by Abaddon's raised hand.

"Are you alright?" He asks, standing before me. 

I nodded my head yes, but the fall hurt a lot more then what I was willing to say. 

"Can you stand?"

I nod again and carefully stood, trying to hide the shaking from the pain. I don't want to be a burden to these people.

I started walking again, going as fast as I could towards the door that Mimi had pointed out to me earlier that would take me to the training area. 

I could feel Mimi's and Abaddon's eyes on my back when suddenly red mist surrounded me and lifted me off the ground.

"Ah?!" I was surprised as I floated backwards and into the waiting arms of Abaddon.

"Now." He says as the mist disappears. "There is nothing wrong with being strong in the face of adversaries, but there are times when you should allow yourself to heal and let others tend to you."

His face looked forward as he said this, but I thought that I could hear a little bit of sadness hidden within his voice.

Though, I didn't understand what he meant; I knew that I didn't have a choice about being carried. I was tense at first as he walked effortlessly with me in his arms but slowly relaxed as we went outside.

Abaddon arms felt safe to me, not exactly in the same way Papa or Mimi's; but it didn't feel bad to me.


Sometime later, red mist surrounded me again and carefully set me back onto the ground.

"You wanted to walk to his Majesty... No?" Abaddon chuckles as I looked at him. 

Mimi, who had followed along behind us, lightly bowed to Abaddon before gently nudging me. When I gave her a puzzled look, Mimi says. "Thank you Lord Abaddon." 

Then gave me a pointed look.

"O-oh!" I finally understood what she meant. "Y-yes, th-hank you Lord Ab-ab-" I started to panic a little, realizing too late that I couldn't say his name.

"It seems that my name a little too difficult for you." He chuckled again. "If it is alright with you- you may call me Grandpa."

"G-grandpa?" I remember hearing the kids back at school talking about a 'grandpa' but I never had one before. "Y-you'll be my g-grandpa?"

"Yes." Grandpa smiled this time, his wings fluttering a little behind him. "I seem to like the sound of that. I will see you later Soraya."

"B-bye Grandp-pa!" I quickly called out to him as left, earning a small wave in return.

"Soraya?" Papa's familiar voice startles me and I quickly turn to look at him.  "What are you doing out here?"

Hey Everyone!! Your favorite author here!🥰🥳🥳

I know right, its been freaking forever since I last posted a chapter huh? Now before you all start hunting me down- I've been really busy.

Really, really, REALLY busy.😅

I've been having a lot of long class hours especially last week and this one is feeling even longer to me. I managed to write a little in what breaks I had before sleeping but it took me forever to finish writing this chapter.😥😢

But I still love seeing all the fun comments that all of you make! It makes me so proud! Hopefully, I can post another chapter this month but think of that as winning the lotto: it may or may not happen.😅

I hope all of you have been doing great in your lives and I can't wait to see you all for the next chapter!😘😘

The Demon King said to call him PapaWhere stories live. Discover now