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Of course Ling Zhen didn't know that he had harvested a CP powder in advance, so he was immersed in the joy of harvesting.

On the same day, of the three eggs she picked up in Ji Fei Gou Tiao, two were used to make tomato scrambled eggs, and one was exchanged with Song Lan for a small fish.

They smoked Mushu meat and braised fish. Just one egg was missing, so they generously exchanged a fish for their egg. Ling Zhen felt embarrassed, but he was very happy.

Finally, he found two tomatoes in the village, and Ling Zhen and Wei Xi went home to cook.

She didn't want to touch the raw fish, and didn't dare to see the blood, so she hid outside the kitchen to watch Wei Xi deal with it.

Wei Xi didn't mean anything soft about the dead. He pinched a knife with his slender and white fingers, scraped the scales of the fish, and washed them off with water. Then, he cut a vertical knife at the position of the fish's neck and cut the fish's belly directly. The action was very neat.

The blood dripped out and dyed his fingers red, and the fishy smell in the kitchen suddenly became rich. Ling Zhen covered his nose and stepped back.

But Wei Xi was calm, then cut open the abdominal cavity with a knife, took out the fish's internal organs, and finally washed it again.

Ling Zhen looked at his profile and thought of the "killer without emotion" emoticon. He felt that their villain was really cold.

Ling Zhen read out the rest of the steps according to the online recipe, and then directed Wei Xi to do it step by step. After the fish is marinated with salt and cooking wine, stuff the seasonings such as sliced ​​chives and sliced ​​ginger into the belly of the fish. Sprinkle shredded green onions on the surface and steam them in a pot of boiling water.

In the process, Ling Zhen made his tomato scrambled eggs smoothly. The steamed fish does not need to be steamed for a long time, and it will be served on a plate after ten minutes.

At noon this meal was eaten at Shen Yanchu's and Jian Wenyi's house. Ling Zhen had a foreboding that he would have a stomachache from eating, so he ran to the blind spot of the surveillance to fill in some supplies for himself.

Sure enough, after waiting for the past, the two main men and women naturally did not let go of this big show.

Today, they are set for "learning to cook for each other". The two drew Kung Pao chicken and shredded cabbage. Although they are limited in skill, they can't do well, but they enjoy the process! I also experienced the sense of accomplishment of washing hands and making soup for my lover!

Several other pairs of guests were obviously aware of the purpose of the two on the show, and they all expressed their envy in cooperation.

Ling Zhen clasped the tip of his chopsticks, watched their performance in amazement, and thought while applauding, would the audience want to see this kind of crookedness?

Then she and Wei Xi, who are in the fresh air, should reduce their sense of existence and live smoothly.

After the performance, of course, we still have to return to the topic. The dishes you get are different, some are difficult and some are easy. The director asked everyone to taste each other, and finally selected the most delicious meat dish and a vegetarian dish.

In terms of cooking, the highest in the audience is naturally Teacher Hu Ling. Her deep-fried crispy meat was so crispy and fragrant that almost everyone at the table snatched it.

The best meat dish was selected at noon that day, and Mr. Hu Ling's deep-fried crispy pork was naturally well-deserved.

The best vegetarian dish, after all the opinions gathered by everyone, was finally rated for Jian Wenyi's hand-ripened cabbage with extra points for love.

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