Chapter 08

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BATIM - Fallen Angel

Chapter 08

Back to Benicio House:

Benicio speed up home carrying Henry Angel in his arms to find Boris the wolf doctor to treat him. Henry was very exhausted and shacking after what had happened at Bar!

Sooner later, Boris is in Henry's room, examines Henry while he's sleeping and Benicio is outside the room lay his back at the wall waiting to let Boris do his work without disturbing. Also, Sammy stand right beside his boss, waiting for any orders he asked?

It's been half an hour of waiting and Boris hasn't come out yet! That made the demon's right feet tapping fast and growl in his breaths, worrying that something isn't right and he can't wait any longer.

Then Sammy break the silence, "He's gone be alright, My Lord! Mr. Boris is doing everything he could to help him...!"

"Grrrr, What the f***k is taking him that long to check on him? I need to see him, NOW!!" Bendy said in rage by losing his patience.

"Please My Lord, you needed to calm down! I understand you're worried about him, but getting angry wouldn't help Mr. Boris to focus on his work...!" Sammy try his best keep his Lord calm until Boris comes out.

Then it finally came, the door has opened and Boris came out quietly, closed the door behind him and sight heavenly with worried looks on his face.

"What took ya hell so long?" Bendy growl loudly at Boris face.

"Shhh, keep your voice down... You don't want to wake him up." Boris quickly shushed him to low his voice.

Bendy breath slowly to cool his nerves and when he calms he start asking, "Okay... 'sigh' I'm calm... How's he now?!"

"He's very exhausted, I gave him antibiotics to relieve his fever, but he's gone be okay." Boris explained.

"I wanna see him...!" Bendy was about to go in, but Boris stopped him.

"He needs rest, you can see him in the morning...!"

But Bendy didn't care of what the wolf said or even listen. He pushed Boris aside to go in and see his angel.

"Bendy...!" Boris said quietly while he tries to stop him, but then Sammy interfere.

"Don't bother yourself Mr. Boris... He wouldn't listen to you, even if you try! Come on, let's leave him along, he'll come around." Sammy said calmly but with worried voice.

While the two toons walked in hole way.

Boris growled in his breath for being angry at Bendy. "This is insane, he's totally lost his mind! Poor Henry... He has gone through difficult circumstances and now his health in getting more complicated." He hit his fist at the wall to let his anger out. "How could he let this happen to Henry? If he still continues of hurting him, I would never forgive him."

Boris is very upset and felt guilt for letting Bendy do this to Henry!! Henry didn't deserve any of this... He's a good person with honestly, gentle and kind heart.

How could Benicio do this to him, as Boris knowbies that Bendy wouldn't stop try until this poor angel will love him. The demon is gone make terrible mistakes of hurting Henry and he has to stop him before he'll do the mistake again.

Sammy was so concern about Henry health and he's gladly knowing he is gone be okay...! Wait... Why would he care? He never cares about everyone except his Lord and Mr. Boris... That is strange!!

From that time, when he first saw Henry Angel? He felt strangle of being happy and relief to see someone is close to him... But... Who is this Henry guy and why his face looks so familiar!?

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