46. Looks like she won

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Song of the chapter:- The Man by Taylor Swift


The next day I woke up feeling a bit tired but also better than I did before, I felt more free now that everyone knew about my powers and who I was, it was like some weight had been lifted off of my chest. Only some of it. There were still all the Alpha waiting for me to tell them who I am and that was one tough question considering even I wasn't sure about that one yet.

I finally got some courage to get out of the shower and immediately regret it as I hear Jack and Ethan talking in the room on hushed voices as if I don't have werewolf hearing.

"They aren't ready to trust her yet", Jack say.

"What do you mean aren't ready to trust her?", Ethan said obviously pissed.

"They want to test her and her abilities", was Jack's reply and honestly as much as I wanted to put on a brave face I just couldn't when even I wasn't ready to trust myself with these powers.

Unfortunately they noticed my presence and stopped the conversation, "Emma we don't want to put any kind of pressure on you but-", I cut Jack off saying "it's okay, I think I'd like to test myself too", and I think they were just as shocked as me by the looks on their faces.

We finally got ready for the day and went to the office again where all the Alpha's were already waiting in there for us.

Alpha Smith was wearing a suit as usual I think none of us has ever seen him in informal attire, beside him Alpha Warren was sitting without his beta who probably went back to their pack, then there was Alpha Vera and I don't think she'd appreciate me calling her cute specially in a leather jacket but I think she looked really cute, and at last Alpha Nick was as also there and his face was healed as if last night didn't even happened.

Just as we got seated another seat was remaining and as if to answer my thoughts Jack entered the room taking the empty seat beside me and giving me his heart melting smile.

"Now that we're all here, let's get started", Ethan said standing up but before he can even start he was interrupted by Alpha Warren, "well there is nothing to discuss she's a witch" with a disgusting look on her face.

"You say witch as if it's a bad word", Alpha Vera said looking pissed yet calm and cool at the same time.

"Doesn't matter, she is bad we all know that", Was Alpha Nick's reaction.

"And just so we're clear she's only half witch", said Jack casually like he hasn't just revealed one of my biggest secret.

"Stop acting like a bunch of kids", Alpha Smith said his Alpha aura getting stronger and just like that every Alpha was trying to overpower the other one, trying to satisfy their ego and unfortunately none of them was winning and none of them was stopping.

It was all getting too suffocating to be in there, all of them were just staring at eachother intensely but their aura were what I can describe as too loud and too much.

"STOP", I finally said and surprisingly all of them did.

They were all staring at me now and I was just shocked, "how did you do that?", Alpha Vera asked.

"What?", I asked looking at Ethan and Jack but they just looked as shocked as others.

"It was black magic, she's going to kill us!", Alpha Warren screamed but everyone told him to shut up.

"That wasn't black magic Warren, she has Alpha blood running through her veins she is an Alpha, and a witch, and a strong one which is why her power overpower ours", Alpha Smith explained and I did kinda make sense.

"So you're saying she's stronger than any of us in the room", Nick asked looking at me with doubt.

When Alpha Smith nodded I saw a look of fear and anger both on Alpha Warren's face where as other's just looked shocked just like me.

"Wait a minute, what is going on? Like who is she?", Alpha Vera who hadn't said a word since my out burst asked.

"You don't know the story of the Golden wolf?", Smith asked her and she shook her head.

"It's okay, not many packs know about it only some of the oldest ones. The story, well it isn't a story anymore but according to it, there once existed a wolf and he was the strongest among our kind and when his greed for power got out of hand moon goddess sent a witch to kill him, but instead they fell on love, but then when they had a baby it was even stronger than any of them and the dark wolf wanted his powers and so the witch sacrificed her life in protecting the golden wolf who will be the one to end the dark wolf", Alpha Smith literally told her my prophecy and it was wierd to listen about yourself from someone else's point of view.

"So, they were expecting it to be a guy but it turned out it's a woman whose gonna save the day, interesting isn't it", said Alpha Vera, well atleast someone found all this interesting.

"This isn't interesting and how do we know we can even trust her?", Asked Alpha Warren who I was starting to hate more and more.

"I think I do deserve a chance to prove myself", I spoke and everybody stared at me, again.

"Well how about we vote", asked Ethan and everyone agreed.

Ethan, and Jack were on my side obviously but Nick didn't even want to give me a chance and according to Alpha Warren a women can't lead which caused Vera to punch her in the face and nobody stopped her because I guess we all have wanted to do that since forever. Alpha Smith also didn't want to give me a chance because he also saw me unfit to rule because I was a woman even though he didn't say it out loud.

I wasn't so shocked when I got Alpha Vera's approval because if anyone can understand how a woman feels to be doubted over and over again it's another woman.

"Well this looks like a tie", Ethan said because three
Alphas ethan, jack and vera had voted for me and other three, Warren, Nick and Smith against me.

Just then someone from behind me said, "she's got my vote, and looks like she won", I turned around to see Ivan, Alpha Ivan, standing against the doorframe with a knowing smile on his face.

Published on:- 18 February, 2022.

Hey snowflakes, I know I hadn't updated since almost a month so here v go, also ik I always say this but I'll try to update as much as I can because I love to write and to see people enjoying my work.
Hope you like the chapter.
Take care.



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